YouTube introduces a hashtag to search for videos from the title or description


Photo: EFE

(Caracas, July 19, News24) – The YouTube video platform introduced "19459010" hashtag & # 39; in videos so that users can find them more easily and quickly specific topics that interest them, directly through the title or description.

This new feature is available since Thursday on YouTube in its desktop version and in its mobile application for Android, as it has explained Google's platform on its help page.

The new & # 39; hashtag & # 39; YouTube facilitates the task of searching videos on the most popular topics, and includes two modes of use for this purpose: search for a 'hashtag'. Or click with the mouse on the & quot; hashtag & # 39; existing in the title or description of some video.

If the user has performed one of these two actions, a result page will appear. with the popular videos of the moment related to this hashtag, in addition to the content that has been downloaded more recently.

The & youtubers & # 39; who want to add hashtags & # 39; to their videos should upload the videos in the traditional way, then write the desired "hashtag" in the title or description. This new feature can be very useful for positioning videos on the platform if the hashtags are used correctly.

As with videos, hashtags must comply with YouTube's policies and policies, including the ban on using spaces in the "hashtag", as well as the fact do not use too many tags or add hashtags that are not directly related to the content of the video.

YouTube also established the prohibition on the use of "hashtags" that focus on harassment or that may encourage violence or incite hatred, as well as the inclusion of sexual or vulgar language content; and even banned the use of descriptive hashtags or repetitive sentences.

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