YouTube joins the world of the hashtag


The video platform YouTube introduced in its videos the popular hashtags also called or tags that users can find in a faster and more convenient way. easier the specific topics in which they are interested, directly through the title or description.

Normally, the hashtag is used on social platforms like Twitter and Facebook where they have been useful to many users who manage to identify more quickly the contents that interest them.

In this way, Google made the decision to implement the tags in its video platform, YouTube, to improve searches.

Users will be able to search more easily subjects that are trendy using the word or all of the same that interests them and this way the search engine will show them videos that are trendy or the material that youtubers have downloaded with the hashtag & # 39; appointed.

However, for those who download the content, it is important that they keep in mind that they have to put the tags in the description or in the title of the video.

This way, when a person finds what she is looking for or is looking for, she can also click on the word and a list of results will appear immediately on the same page.

For these changes YouTube has some important rules and it is that labels should not have words with spaces there should not be many in the same audiovisual video to avoid misleading users.

It is important for users to keep in mind that should not use offensive language or repetitive or ordinary phrases. Moreover, the content that encourages sex, hatred, harassment or vulgar language is prohibited.

This change will initially be enabled for desktops and devices Android.

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