YouTube: Shakira accused of copying Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé | Maluma | Video | United States | Shows


Not to believe it! Shakira and Maluma have triggered hysteria among their fans after the release of their new video "Clandestino". The audiovisual material of the Colombian singers has been compared with the versions of Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé .

What would be the similarities? "Clandestino", published on the digital platform ] YouTube a day ago, according to the fans of the two singers, Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé the recent subject of Shakira and Maluma would have plagiarized ideas of "I'm in you" and "Drunk in love"

YOU CAN SEE: YouTube: Shakira and Maluma launch the sexy video "Clandestino"

In a single day, the video clip already has more than 5.7 million views and thousands of comments that indicate that Shakira and Maluma are good with their duet voices, but the productions do not measure up as they do. wait there

"They have so much money and they copy what others do" "The song is divine, but its calates are always the same", "Only enough with mira r the videos of Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé "," The theme "I'm in you" has a lot of similarity with this clip "," Must be more creative guys "," The theme is good " some comments are read

In the video you can see Shakira wearing his best dance moves and these "Flirty outfits" that dazzle her admirers every time she looks at them in her productions. "Clandestino", the music video, was made to wait nearly a month to be able to see her. to have on YouTube, while the song was published on June 8.

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