Youtuber is excused after posting even on Demi Lovato


Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, commonly known on YouTube as PewDiePie, published a meme that shows that Demi Lovato buys heroin shortly after the news of her alleged overdose .

Photo: Twitter capture

After the release PewDiePie was forced to remove it, he was described by many of his fans as "disgusting". Due to rejection of the youtuber, he excused himself on Twitter saying, "Even eliminated, I did not mean anything with that and I did not fully know the situation, now I realize that I was insensitive, I'm sorry! "

] A user responded to the YouTube blogger's apology and said, "I'm glad you noticed." I love memes but that was just not the time or place … I hope nobody will cancel you again. "

Other supporters of PewDiePie have argued that d & # 39; Other people are allowed to create cruel memes, like the one who mentioned the death of Lil Peep, but the blogger was criticized very quickly.

A few days ago, we learned that the singer Demi Lovato had been transferred to the hospital after a supposed dose of heroin, but some sources have refuted these claims.

A representative of the singer said Variety that Demi is awake and with her family, and that she wanted to thank everyone for the love, prayers and support received. "Some of the information that is commented on is incorrect," he said.

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