Zuckerberg becomes the third richest in the world


New York- Move, Warren Buffett! Mark Zuckerberg is now the third richest person in the world.

The Facebook CEO made progress on Friday with a net worth of $ 81.6 billion, according to Bloomberg calculations. That placed him nearly 373 million ahead of Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, CNN reported.

Zuckerberg took third place in the Bloomberg Billionaires index because Facebook shares rose 2.4%. In total, its share has increased by 15% this year.

For the first time, the three richest living people are all technological titans: Jeff Bezos of Amazon, with a value of about $ 141 billion, followed by the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, according to the Bloomberg index.

Technology stocks have been a positive point in a sometimes volatile market this year. Netflix more than doubled, Amazon rose 46%, Apple grew 11% and Google 9%.

Lindsey Bell, investment strategist at CFRA Research, said last month that she expects technology stocks to help drive the market over the next year.

Buffett also relies on technology. Berkshire Hathaway bought about $ 75 million worth of Apple stock during the first three months of the year, in addition to the 165 million shares she already owned.

It was relatively late for technology. Buffett did not report his first purchase of Apple stock until two years ago. Now, Apple is one of the largest farms in Berkshire.

Buffett donates billions of dollars to charities each year. Zuckerberg is committed to giving 99% of his shares on Facebook

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