Very good poll news for Donald Trump


  • 53% of Iowans now have a favorable view of Trump.
  • 45% now have a unfavorable view of Trump.
  • 2% are not sure how they feel.

Among that favorable / unfavorable split, it is “Trump’s best ever performance on either measure in the Iowa poll,” the registry writes.

To be clear, this poll does not specifically ask for support for Trump if he runs for president again in 2024. Adults in Iowa were simply asked, “I’m going to mention certain people’s names in the news. For every name that I am reading, please tell me if your feelings towards the person are very favorable, overwhelmingly favorable, overwhelmingly unfavorable, or very unfavorable. “

But it’s hard not to read these results as a possible sign of fertile ground as Trump teases another White House offer. Trump’s absence – which included revelations about his efforts to undermine the 2020 election results, clearly hasn’t spoiled his support in Hawkeye state. And with Republicans likely maintaining Iowa as the top voting state in the presidential nomination process, what Iowa voters think remains hugely important to the 2024 field.
Trump returns to Iowa on Saturday for a “Save America” rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines – a not-so-subtle event headline from the man who also once said: “Me only can fix it “.

Point: New poll shows the Iowans are bigger fans of Trump than ever. And that could fuel his ongoing flirtation with a new presidential bid in 2024.


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