Video doorbells recall due to fire issues


Amazon’s smart home brand Ring has launched a recall for around 350,000 of its second-generation video doorbells sold in the United States due to fire and burn issues. According to an advisory issued by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, Ring has received 23 reports of doorbells igniting and causing minor property damage, and eight reports of minor burns. Ring’s website states that affected doorbells do not need to be returned, but users should follow their updated instructions.

While Ring says there is no risk if the doorbell is installed correctly, the CPSC notes that the device can overheat if the wrong screws are used. Ring says it has received 85 reports of incidents of people using incorrect screws that could damage the doorbell’s battery. Ring has released an updated set of instructions for its video doorbell, which specifically warns users not to use any screws other than “smart security screws” to secure the video doorbell to the bracket.

The Ring manual highlights the danger of using the wrong screws during installation.
Image: Ring

“Customers don’t need to return their devices,” Ring said CNET in a statement, “We have and continue to work cooperatively with CPSC on this issue and have contacted customers who have purchased a Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Generation) to ensure they have received the updated user manual. update and follow the device installation instructions. ”

The specific doorbells affected are the 2nd generation video doorbells sold this year between June and October for around $ 100 with model number 5UM5E. You can enter your device’s serial number on the Ring website to see if your doorbell is affected. While Ring doesn’t say so explicitly, owners who have previously installed their 2nd Generation Ring doorbells incorrectly with the wrong screws should contact customer service. We have contacted Ring for clarification and will update this article if we get a response.


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