Video: Mortal Kombat Reboot Trailer Released


Mortal combat is back! Cinema has been around for 120 years now, and during that time filmmakers have explored a plethora of ways to kill people. But has anyone ever turned someone’s arm to ice, then removed the frozen blood from that destroyed arm and then stabbed it with their own frozen blood? I mean, maybe, but probably not.

Killing people in new and inventive ways is definitely Mortal combat put his creative juice. Fittingly, the hero of the film is an MMA fighter. Who better to represent Earth in an intergalactic showdown to the death than a human dedicated to finding new and inventive ways to come out on top in our planet’s version of the same?

Josh Lawson plays MMA fighter, Kano. Is that a guy with a birthmark, or is that a supernatural call to arms? Oh man, looks like it’s that second!

Of course, it’s time to kick off this tournament and start killing people –with panache. The look of the film is quite sleek, which makes sense given director Simon McQuoid’s commercial background. He has led campaigns for PlayStation, Beats by Dre, Range Rover and Halo. Mortal combat is his first feature film.

Also part of the mix is ​​Lewis Tan, the choreographer and stunt performer, who is apparently legally required to participate in all martial arts movies and TV shows. His role has been kept a secret, but the fact that he is part of Mortal combat is a good sign for his fight scenes.

Hiroyuki Sanada, mainstay of the action film, is also on board, as Scorpion, and Sub-Zero is played by Joe Taslim. Taslim made his debut The raid: redemption (2011) and has a solid background in martial arts. Although he had experience in a variety of practices, he majored in Judo, eventually becoming a professional athlete and winning numerous gold medals from 1997 to 2009 at the Indonesian and Asian National Championships.

This reboot certainly has a lot of talent on board to create some awesome fight scenes, it will be interesting to see how he used it.

The image of Warner Bros. hits theaters and airs exclusively on HBO Max on April 16.


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