Video of S.F. The Giants' CEO, Baer, ​​in a public altercation with his wife, urges the MLB to gather facts


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By Phil Helsel

Video posted Friday showing Larry Baer, ​​CEO of San Francisco Giants, falling into a physical altercation with his wife in which she falls from a chair on the ground in a downtown square prompted the Major League Baseball to say that she was looking into the matter.

TMZ Sports first released a video of the physical altercation that occurred while the couple was sitting outside having a coffee in San Francisco. The video seems to show that Baer catches a cell phone from his wife, Pam Baer, ​​which causes her to fall from her chair shouting "Oh my God!"

The video is not continuous and NBC News has not seen it in full.

Pam and Larry Baer said in a statement to NBC Bay Area: "Unfortunately, today we had a lively public debate on a family affair, we are deeply embarrassed by the situation and have solved the problem."

Baer told a newspaper that there was a dispute over a cell phone.

"My wife and I had an unhappy public dispute related to a family member and she had an injured foot and she fell from her chair during the dispute," Baer told the San Francisco Chronicle. "The problem is solved, it was an argument on a cell phone, obviously it's embarrassing."

The baseball league said in a statement: "Major League Baseball is aware of the incident and, as in any other situation of this type, will immediately begin to gather the facts.We will not have Another comment to make until this process is completed ".

A witness told NBC News that the couple seemed to argue over what looked like marital problems and consultations. Khalil Hansen, another witness working at a nearby fruit juice store, told NBC News that he heard Baer say, "I just want my phone".

A spokesman for the San Francisco Police said Friday that they were aware of the incident and that they were investigating, and that no other details have been published. nowadays. A message to the giants was not immediately delivered on Friday.

Larry Baer is from San Francisco and is president and CEO of the legendary baseball club.

He was part of the group that brought together local investors in 1992 and bought the team just as it was preparing to move to Florida.

At the time of purchase, the Giants ranked last, having never won a world title in San Francisco.

In less than ten years, the property group has built a stadium in downtown, considered a jewel in baseball. Then, starting in 2010, the team has won three outstanding world titles in five seasons.

Steven Louie contributed.


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