Video: The OnePlus 7 Pro Water Bucket Displays Resistance Without Official Note


OnePlus has plunged its new OnePlus 7 Pro smartphone into a bucket of water in a tweet teaser released Friday, despite the fact that it does not have an official water resistance index. IP ", unlike other flagship products from Samsung, Apple and Samsung.

The company rejects the official IP classifications relating to water and dust resistance, claiming that it costs more to smartphone users to include them. Indeed, it takes money for phone manufacturers to obtain official water resistance certifications, and the company suggests that other phone manufacturers transfer these costs to smartphone buyers. .

OnePlus is apparently confident that the OnePlus 7 Pro will have enough water resistance to withstand a good bucket of water.

Nevertheless, the company does not suggest that you actively expose its future smartphone to the water. The video says in small print: "Water resistant under optimal test conditions, OnePlus gives no guarantee regarding water / liquid resistance."

This means that anyone who exposes OnePlus 7 Pro to the water is responsible for the damage and the resulting costs to repair or replace the unit if the unit succumbs to liquid damage.

Of course, the same is true for water damage on phones with an official IP protection rating. Apple's support pages, for example, indicate that "if a liquid damages an iPhone or iPod (for example, a coffee or a non-alcoholic beverage), the liquid damage service will not work." is not covered by Apple 's one – year limited warranty. You have to buy AppleCare + for $ 6 a month and pay $ 100 more for the repair or replacement, which you would get if the iPhone had no official IP rating.

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Samsung also states that "Physical damage is not covered by Samsung's limited warranty" on the Liquid Damage Support page. Operators can have their own extended warranty options that cover the damage caused by liquids in the same way as Apple.

At the end of the day, the official rankings do not make much sense if your smartphone is damaged by a liquid, even if the damage was caused by the liquid under the conditions listed by the IP rating, such as "up to 30 minutes under five feet of water ". . "

To be honest, the phone makers would not have the means to confirm that the damage caused by the liquids was caused according to the specifications of the evaluation.

The official ratings give you the certainty that your smartphone will be able to withstand certain amounts of water. With OnePlus, you'll just have to believe on your word.


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