Viola Davis plays Michelle Obama in the Showtime drama "First Ladies "


An Emmy winner is ready to play a first lady – and it's the best cast we've heard in a long time.

Viola Davis signed to play Michelle Obama in an upcoming series of Showtime titled First ladies, according to our sister site Variety. The hour-long drama, which earned the network three scenarios, will follow the personal and public life of the first ladies throughout history, the first season being devoted to Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Ford and Obama. (The other two first ladies have not been chosen yet.)

First ladies will take a closer look at the East Wing of the White House, "where many of the most landmark decisions in history that have changed the world have been overshadowed, taken by the first charismatic, complex and dynamic ladies of America" , according to the official description. The novelist Aaron Cooley is ready to write the series and serve as executive producer.

Annalize Keating, Professor of Law, currently plays on ABC How to escape murder, a role that earned her the Emmy Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series in 2015. (She is again nominated in the same category this year.) But her filming schedule should soon be clear: ABC revealed the month last that HTGAWMThe sixth season to come will be the last.

Do you see the similarity between Davis and Obama? Hit the comments with your thoughts on the casting.


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