Viral videos of UNCP speakers would have cost 2,000 rupees of students, Dewi: money is not for speakers


TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – A man suspected of being a lecturer allegedly extorted a pseudonym to ask students for money by force.

The video is uploaded to the Facebook account of Welly Paliling Putra Toraja on Friday 7/9/2018 at 7:53 AM WIB.

According to the downloader, the lecturer at Cokroaminoto University (UNCP) Palopo asked each student to pay Rp 2,000 for each meeting.

As for the sensational video, Hasbi, UNCP Public Relations, said that lecturers and a number of students involved in the incident were being treated by the UNCP Disciplinary Commission (Komdis). reported that one by one the students who were taught by the speakers were also called Komdis.

"The money case of Rs 2,000 is being processed by the Disciplinary Commission, and they are also trying to call the students he taught one by one.

We will submit the results of the disciplinary commission, "said Hasbi when confirmed by in his room on Saturday (08/09/2018).

By the way, the Chancellor of UNCP, Professor Hanafie Mahtika, said that there were not 2,000 rupees on campus.

He said he just heard the speaker ask for money that is now in the spotlight of the public.

"I sent the disciplinary commission to summon the concerned person to clarify the situation.There is no rule in the fund Rp. 2.000 and I just learned that the lecturer had asked of money, "said Professor Hanafie.

Dewi, a UNCP student, for his part claimed that the Rp2,000 collection was an initiative of a group of students of one level.

"Rp. 2,000 is usually collected specifically for our level, it is also used to contact our speakers to ask them if they are willing to teach because sometimes schedules change because of something, including the room.

We also use it if there is a friend who is sick, so the money is not meant for speakers, "said Dewi.

Previously reported, Welly has uploaded the video with the following information:

"With regard to the UNCP campus teacher, whenever he wants to go to class, all students must pay Rp 2,000 per person, as this type of regulation already exists on the campus of the UNCP. # 39; UNCP or some teachers who apply it … !!!
– Do not let extortion become a culture
– Entrusts the speaker
– The rules of the campus must be clear … !!! "

We saw that a student dared to protest against his teacher until a fight broke out.

"Before entering this campus, there is an agreement that you have signed.You must know the rules," said the speaker.

"I obey the rules that exist on this campus, and there is no regulation, every meeting, the lecturer comes in, the students pay 2,000 Rp," said the student who n & # 39; Did not accept the speaker's rules.

"Now, who teaches, who has the rules, then you will just study with the Chancellor, do not study with me," said the speaker.

At the end of the 1 minute and 35 seconds video, the student was pulverized and told to leave.

"So you just got out, get out, get out, get out!" Said the speaker holding out his hand.

See the video above. ( Padmasta EW)

This article was published on with the title "Viral, video speaker in Palopo would have asked Rp2,000 to students",

