Assalamualaikum and Salam sejahtera..Alhamdulillah gratitude to the illahi hadrat because of permission and generosity gave strength to me and my family to cope with the unexpected situation that was a new virus in the media and on the radio. I would like to inform you that this case is over .. The offender has appeared and with regret and sincerity, he apologizes for his mistake .. I hope that all internet users can forgive the author as we and his family forgive him .. Make this case study We all .. This opportunity also wishes to thank the HAMBA ALLAH who donated raya duit for the child and also his 2 cousins .. Only Allah can pay back and leave the world after death .. Make netizen thanks for your support ..SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR BATIN ..
credit: Shahrulnizam Jaafar (father of the victim).
Bg la ps4 ke.. ataupon kete sebijik
tahniah bang… bertuah adik tu
ketaq bai
Mcm nii lh Bru Terbaik bro ..Sayu Hati tngok Hang Mnta maaf..terbaik again
Nasib dia minta maaf..
Terbaiikkkkk. Ini yg kita mahukan tuan puan….- pok jib
?Orang berani ialah orang yg berani mengaku sendiri kesalahan nya.
Salam Aidilfitri
x yh la rakam dan viralkan
dia pon ade perasaan
setakat wat caption"semalam saya jumpa adik (taruk la nama aq x ingat) dan mintak maaf…..)
dah settle aduhhh sian dowh membe tu
terbaik brader…
Nanti dah besar kau kawen la dia….
Tindakkn yg bagus..dgn pantas mntk mf…blh di puji…egat jgn buat lgi ye..
Tau pon kesal
hi first again