Virginia gubernatorial candidate says ‘Trump should declare martial law’


Virginia Republican State Senator Amanda Chase, a staunch Trump supporter and gubernatorial hopeful, doubled down on disputed election fraud allegations and said on Thursday her state needed an election audit – by law martial, if necessary.

“President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn,” Chase wrote Tuesday in a fiery Facebook post.

In the post, she also challenged the 2020 election results in response to the Electoral College’s confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden on Monday.

Flynn also tweeted a Dec. 1 announcement from the conservative We the People convention, calling on Trump to invoke martial law “if lawmakers, courts and Congress don’t respect the Constitution.”


Chase is known to open carrying a .38 revolver and has been described as “Trump in heels,” a renegade and the Virginia Senate’s own Annie Oakley.

She discussed concerns about changes to the state’s election laws ahead of the election in an interview with Fox News Thursday.

She argued that State Democrats, who control majorities in the legislature and hold the governorship, have reduced voter identification laws, postal signature requirements and chain of control rules for voters. ballots, weakening the state’s electoral integrity in summer and fall. Lawmakers who supported the changes argued they were necessary to protect the health of voters due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase (R-11) at work in the Statehouse February 20, 2019 in Richmond, VA.  (Photo by Bill O'Leary / The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase (R-11) at work in the Statehouse February 20, 2019 in Richmond, VA. (Photo by Bill O’Leary / The Washington Post via Getty Images)

“This legislation that was passed essentially legalized the ability of Democrats to commit electoral fraud here in Virginia,” Chase said Thursday.

John O’Bannon, the only Republican on the three-person Virginia Council of Elections, told the VPM last month that he believed, “In general, the elections have been fair in Virginia.” And state election officials said they had not seen widespread voter fraud.

But Chase said an investigation was warranted. She supports former General Michael Flynn and the call to impose martial law and “temporarily suspend the Constitution”, but only in “extreme” circumstances.

“You never want to suspend the Constitution,” she said. “You know the question is, if we find ourselves in an extreme situation where we feel that the Democratic Party has committed a betrayal, we really don’t have much choice but to suspend the Constitution and focus on very limited on martial law. it’s about the integrity of the elections, the votes and securing the equipment that we used to vote to make sure we get to the bottom of what happened. “


Democratic Governor Ralph Northam’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment. But President Trump’s legal team has met with little success in a spate of electoral fraud prosecutions across the country.

When asked if martial law meant troops on street corners and disrupting everyday life, Chase said no. She said she meant “limited martial law” where the military would seize and check voting machines and ballots to investigate allegations of voter fraud.

“A lot of Virginians told me this … ‘We accepted Clinton, we accepted Obama, because we felt like it was a fair election,” “she told Fox News on Thursday. . “But what we can’t accept is Biden as president because we don’t think this election was fair and honest.”

Some other elected Republicans, however, condemned Chase’s position.

“I find it a record level of cognitive dissonance that she’s against the governor’s curfew, but she’s for martial law,” said US Representative Denver Riggleman of 5th District Virginia. “I also think that’s gibberish. We don’t want the ‘G’ in GOP to represent gibberish.”

But he admitted that Chase’s message was working; she raises millions of dollars for her governorship campaign and appeals to “a wide range of the electorate.”

“I think we need a vaccine against disinformation, just like we have a vaccine against COVID-19,” said Riggleman, proposing that private sector analysis companies present the facts to the public, avoiding the “Conspiracy theories”, the media and the two main political parties.

One of those programs, he said, is the Network Contagion Research Institute, of which he is a board member.

Virginia State Delegate Kirk Cox, who is running against Chase in the GOP Governor’s Primary for a chance to take on Northam, said in a statement: “Senator Chase’s suggestion to impose martial law is absurd and dangerous. “


When asked for her response to Republican and Independent voters who admitted Biden was the president-elect, Chase said she would continue to fight.

“We have to get to the bottom of the electoral fraud so that we can continue to function as a republic,” she said. “We need to make sure every legal vote is counted.”


After a short delay, Virginia certified its election results on Nov. 18, and its voters voted for Biden in the constituency on Monday.

Supporters see January 6 as their next and possibly last chance to overcome what they see as widespread voter fraud. A joint session of Congress is planned to officially count the votes of the Electoral College.


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