Virtual Desktop PC VR Streaming Wins Quest Store Approval


You can now wirelessly stream Half-Life: Alyx, Boneworks, H3VR, and other PC VR games only on Oculus Quest and Quest 2 in Virtual Desktop without sideloading.

Developer Guy Godin has gained full approval from the Oculus Quest store for Virtual Desktop’s highly rated wireless feature for streaming SteamVR and Rift games to PC. The addition comes more than 20 months after Facebook’s on-demand feature was removed, and a few weeks after the feature was submitted to Facebook’s new App Lab out-of-store distribution method. In a development that will certainly surprise some Facebook skeptics, the company approved the feature for the main store instead of App Lab and you can get it now.

Oculus Quest Half Life Virtual Desktop Alyx Performance Overlay
The updated performance overlay in the latest version of Virtual Desktop shows the quality of the Wi-Fi signal, the speed of the Wi-Fi link, and the runtime used for Half-Life: Alyx running on an Oculus Quest 2 streaming from a PC.

The change effectively brings a handy wireless streaming feature for Steam and Rift games to the Oculus Quest store for the first time since June 2019, when Facebook forced Godin to pull it out of the store. Godin decided to cancel the feature, but he also posted a patch on SideQuest that allows people to still activate it if they buy the app first through the store.

Godin is a longtime VR developer who introduced Virtual Desktop on Oculus Quest as a launch title in early 2019. The software allows users to operate their PC in VR and access content wirelessly from anywhere. where with a Wi-Fi connection. Shortly after launch, and without fanfare, Godin released an experimental update allowing application owners to stream PC VR games to the Quest wirelessly. PC VR games running on powerful Windows PCs can use the extra processing power for more complex physics as well as more detailed environments and dynamic lighting compared to smartphone-class chips in a standalone VR headset like Quest. The feature essentially combines the best of both worlds – wireless freedom with the power of the PC – although there are a few important caveats.

The feature relies on your existing Wi-Fi network, and it could cause performance issues – or inconvenience – if other devices use the connection or if you’re far from the router. We recommend that you be in the same room as your router and ideally get one that supports WiFi 6.

Quest Virtual Office 2

According to Godin, the vast majority of virtual desktop buyers use this feature and until today it required an arduous multi-step process to activate it of masquerading as a developer to upload the unapproved patch to Oculus Quest. The change should have the effect of opening up PC VR streaming to more people who didn’t want to go through the sideloading process to enable it.

“The ability to wirelessly stream PCVR games has been a popular feature of Virtual Desktop since its launch on Quest in 2019. It makes sense to allow it in the official store when more than 90% of users have had to go through complicated steps. to unlock it. functionality, ”Godin wrote to UploadVR exclusively. “The Quest is marketed as a wireless headset. Users want wireless freedom, whether they’re playing native Quest games or streaming their favorite PCVR games. “

Oculus Quest Half Life Virtual Desktop Alyx Streaming Tab

Facebook is working on its own wireless VR PC streaming technology that likely won’t depend on your existing Wi-Fi network to function, but the details are still unknown.

Virtual Desktop was developed by Godin for years alone, and it has dramatically improved the PC VR streaming functionality since the initial release. In recent months, Godin has grown the team to around four people in total, but he’s the only one working full-time on the software. Then he plans additional features for Virtual Desktop to add value to the app, but hasn’t been more specific on what those features might be.

Virtual Desktop costs $ 19.99 at the time of writing this article on the Oculus Quest store. Here are the Godin release notes for version 1.20:

Removed the need for patch to stream PCVR games

Added support for multiple accounts in the Streamer app

Screenshots taken on your quest are now automatically transferred to your desktop

Added voice over for notifications

Added information about Wi-Fi speed, runtime used by the game, and GPU name to the performance overlay

Slice encoding and microphone pass-through are now enabled by default

Join us on YouTube for a live interview with Godin broadcast from our virtual studio at 10 a.m. Pacific today:


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