Virus partially shuts down Trump’s Florida club


Former President Donald J. Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, Florida was partially closed on Friday after some staff tested positive for the coronavirus, two people familiar with the events confirmed.

The closure affected service in the dining room and at the beach club, according to the Associated Press. The two people familiar with the events confirmed that this was the case; they were not allowed to speak publicly.

The AP cited an email that went to members of the club, which also serves as Mr. Trump’s permanent residence. The moves were taken out of “great caution” and some workers were quarantined, according to the email.

A spokeswoman for the Trump organization did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment. A woman who answered the phone at Mar-a-Lago said “no comment” and hung up when asked if the club was open.

The Florida Department of Public Health did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The club is expected to host events at the Republican National Committee’s spring retreat in Florida next month. It was Mr. Trump’s post-presidential base of operations, where he hosted Republican officials.

Coronavirus cases have been declining for weeks in Florida, which reopened businesses months before much of the country. But the state still averages about 5,000 new cases a day, according to a New York Times database.

Dr Alina Alonso, director of the Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County, said this week that cases had declined locally and that she was “cautiously optimistic” about the course of the virus. But she warned the public that it was too early to declare victory over the pandemic.


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