Voice recap: Avery Roberson, Gean Garcia – Battles


Ah, the cycle of life, The voice style: barely Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Nick Jonas have filled their teams in the blinds thanmembers of these teams began to be cut off in battles. Who became the first victims of season 20 of the duo rounds or die? Read on and it will all be revealed as we discuss not only the performances, but the alumni as well. Returned to internship Coach Kelsea Ballerini (replacing a sick Kelly) and Battle Advisors Dan + Shay (Team Blake), Luis Fonsi (Team Kelly), Brandy (Team Legend) and Darren Criss (Team Nick)…

Team Kelly: Ryleigh Modig (Grade: B +) defeated Gean Garcia (Grade: A-) on “pov” – Gean stolen by John | In studio with international Voice Veterinarian Luis, the children’s trainer (present for rehearsal, but not at show time) praised their originality and individuality. Gean wisely suggested doing some acoustics with the band – a motion enthusiastically supported by Kelly; so much the better to hear their panting voices! On stage, sounds came from Gean which gave the impression that he was playing an instrument as much as singing; it was spectacular. As for Ryleigh, hearing it was, as Gean said, like tasting honey. There was also a hint of urgency in her voice that made her feel like love itself. Even though she probably has a bigger reach than Gean – and Kelsea told her about an early launch issue – I should still give her the win; he shook me not only with his voice but his presence on stage. The guy was life this!

Team Blake: Connor Christian (Grade: A-) defeated Aaron Konzelman (Grade: B) on “Ain’t Living Long Like This” | Before going through the number with Dan + Shay, whom Blake called the first artists he ever mentored, Aaron was excited about the song they had been assigned; it was just in his wheelhouse, he told himself. Connor was considerably less cozy with the country classic, maybe for good reason. Aaron’s prickly voice cut off much more immediately than Connor’s deep and husky. But at the moment of truth, Connor walked out the door like a speedster with his pedal to the metal. The guy was unstoppable. Aaron was great, but Connor, man… other than a nasty note towards the end, the guy was on fire. Not only did it sound – in a good way – like a wrecking ball tearing through a barn, he was a spooky blast to watch. I know the show is called The voice, but at this point in the competition, we enjoy a performance as much with our eyes as our ears, right?

the-voice-recap-avery roberson gean garcia-battlesTeam Legend: Dana Monique (Grade: A-) defeated Devan Blake Jones (Grade: B) on “Stuck With U” – Devan saved by Nick | In the rehearsal room with “Bonus Jonas” Darren, Dana tearfully revealed why, even after John sang to her during the Blinds, she chose Nick to be her coach: he had felt in the singer sometimes that she had. something to prove. Meanwhile, Devan was made nervous that they weren’t training with a full group; singing with just a piano made him vulnerable. Dana was also intimidating him, whom Darren called “a traveling hurricane” and someone he would find convincing even if she wasn’t singing – she’s fair. This. Charismatic. Slowly, Nick encouraged Devan to work on his confidence. On stage, Dana blew up the doors of the place with the same casually that you or I could use to order take out. It is the definition of a power plant. And Devan? Duly inspired by Nick’s pep talk, he put on a more confident performance than one might initially expect – almost as daring as his incredible jacket. Not much of an argument between the two of them yet, but he acquitted himself admirably.

Team Legend: Pia Renee (Grade: B-) defeated Christine Cain (Grade: C) on “Baby” | Before hearing the teammates rehearse, I had the feeling that this battle was Pia’s to lose; Christine’s Blind hadn’t really impressed, while Pia was like a vocal grenade – she exploded behind the microphone. After a studio tryout, Advisor Brandy was completely convinced of what the duo were doing – it was, she says, the adult version of their old hit. It was jazzy and sultry – much to her credit, thanks in large part to Christine. Ironically, John was moved to suggest that Pia let her guard down. Did she have a moment of insecurity? WTH? When the spotlight fell on the competitors, they didn’t quite shine. Christine looked good, she just wasn’t terribly punchy (maybe because her style, as Blake noted, is “so laid back”?). On the other hand, Pia, well and truly relaxed, sang with a lot more punch. But “disjointed” is the best word I can think of to describe this battle. Not Pia’s best hour, but good enough to earn her the win.

https://tvline.com/2021/03/28/the-voice-season-20-best-blind-auditions-ranked-photos/Team Nick: Jose Figueroa Jr. (Grade: B) defeated Awari (Grade: B-) on “You Say” | Although Lauren Daigle’s ballad, Awari told us, was the soundtrack for a season of her life, the song is fact for a belter like Jose. Darren was impressed with both Awari’s “really sexy” register and the “husk” running through the music. He also hollowed out Jose’s looseness and his ability to perform theatrical vocal acrobatics. For Nick, it was neck and neck before the show. On stage, Awari dazzled with his vibrato on a voice as soft as nougat. Jose started off a little shaky, but he recovered. And when they started to girdle, as strong as Awari was, he couldn’t keep up with “King of the Races” Jose. There was simply no amount of “width” that Awari could open up that would allow him to match, let alone beat, Jose.

Team Blake: Ethan Lively (Grade: A-) defeated Avery Roberson (Grade: A-) on “Just Got Started Lovin ‘You” – Avery stolen by Kelsea for Kelly | You would have thought that the four-chair ride Avery would have had the benefit of entering his battle with Ethan. But (as if I were never right!), a chair lap Ethan was the candidate who counted down TVLine’s most promising auditioners. And the number James Otto did seem to favor the incredibly deep voice of the high school student. And nerves seemed to take hold of Ethan even during the rehearsal. But after passing the stage, he told his coach he might just relax enough to unbutton his top button. And did he do it? Why yes. Not only that, he looked awesome and looked like he was having a little fun up there too. Problem is, Ethan came out like he was born and raised behind a mic stand. It was a fish carrying a Stetson that had fallen into the water. A super hard call.

So what did you think of the first battles? The first cuts? Vote for the singer who gave your favorite performance below, then hit the comments with your reviews.


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