Wall Street Journal: Milley defends calls to China during Trump presidency as “perfectly” within the scope of his duties


“These are routine calls to discuss the issues of the day, to reassure both allies and adversaries in this matter, to ensure strategic stability,” Milley told reporters traveling with him on board. a military plane, the newspaper reported.

Milley made two behind-the-scenes calls to China’s top general, Li Zuocheng, which were revealed in “Peril,” the forthcoming book by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, which details the final days of the Trump presidency. . In October, when intelligence suggested that China believed the United States would attack them, Milley sought to calm Li by reassuring him that the United States was not considering a strike, according to the book. Milley recalled two days after the January 6 riot at the United States Capitol to tell Li that the United States is “100% stable” even though “things may seem unstable.”

The actions of the senior US defense official, which were reported by CNN and others this week ahead of the book’s release, drew sharp criticism from Trump and his allies, including calls for the resignation of Milley and his treason trial, while the White House and current and former defense officials have defended him.

Milley’s comments on Friday are his first public response to the case and precede a September 28 hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he will likely face questions about his actions in the final days of the Trump administration.

“I will go into all the details that Congress wishes to address,” Milley told reporters, adding that he wished to wait until testifying before Congress to provide more clarity rather than using the media to defend himself, according to the report. Newspaper.

Several current and former defense officials on Wednesday dismissed criticism that Milley was acting in secret or without authority, saying the appeals were conducted under protocols similar to other high-level engagements by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and in consultation with the Ministry of Defense. .

More than a dozen people attended the two video conferences Milley held with Li, including a representative from the State Department, a defense official told CNN. The reading and notes of the calls were shared with the intelligence community and the agency, the official said.

Milley led the Oct. 30 appeal in consultation with then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper, but former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller told CNN on Wednesday that he did not not been informed of the extent of Milley’s engagement with the Chinese on January 8 and that he “would not.” have approved of anything of the nature described in the book.

Milley’s spokesman Col. Dave Butler said Milley’s calls with other defense chiefs “remain essential to enhance mutual understanding of U.S. national security interests, reduce tensions, bring clarity and avoid unintended consequences or conflicts “.

“His calls with the Chinese and others in October and January were consistent with these reassured duties and responsibilities in order to maintain strategic stability,” he said in a statement Wednesday.

Milley is also the subject of criticism from Trump and his GOP allies for calling a secret meeting after January 6, in which the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs called on senior military officials to do so. consult before giving the order to take military action, including the launching of nuclear weapons.

The meeting was also detailed in “Peril”, which is based on over 200 interviews with participants and first-hand witnesses.

This story has been updated.

CNN’s Katie Bo Williams and Jeremy Herb contributed to this report.


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