Walmart employees give up the blue vest for a redesigned fashion version | Retail


The Walmart waistcoat – famous long before Wall Street bankers and Silicon Valley geeks start wearing vests – has been redesigned.

There is even an option with a fake collar that favors the public Patagonia.

Later this year, Walmart employees, including 160,971 in Texas, will receive the required new vests, enhanced with colorful fashionable finishes and woven fabric from 15 recycled plastic bottles.

The darker blue / gray fabric is lighter, breathable and more stain resistant, Walmart said. The trim is in green, blue, bright pink and orange.

The large Walmart sunburst logo is on the back of the vest and cuts deeper front pockets.

Employees will be able to customize the zipper vests in two forms: V-neck and high collar, which Walmart calls a false collar, or not exactly a turtleneck.

The new jackets follow a softer dress code last year when store employees could wear jeans of all colors. Shirts can always be blue, but not necessarily. The blue vests remained to help customers identify an employee.


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