Walmart, Target, GameStop and more


A new Year means a new scramble opportunity for next-generation video game consoles. While the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X were hard to find in 2020, many gamers are hoping the systems will both be more readily available in 2021.

While there is no official evidence to support such hopes, it seems likely that the holiday rush will subside. If you’re hoping to get an Xbox Series X or Series S before the end of winter, here’s what to know, including what tools to install and which retailers to look out for in January.

Popfindr, OctoShop and other tools to find Xbox Series X consoles

If you’re not sure how to start finding replenishments, don’t worry. There are several websites, Twitter accounts, and Google Chrome extensions that keep track of replenishment for you. You can use them to find an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console as soon as they are back in stock. PopFindr is especially useful because it helps you see inventory in local stores if you plan to pick up a console in person.

If you put the console online, an extension like OctoShop which is also location-based and frequently checks multiple retailers is also incredibly useful. For Twitter accounts, enable notifications @ Wario64, which regularly tweets when new consoles are available. The Discord Stock Informer channel can also help you track reorders. If you want to forgo these tools, you’ll have to do the job yourself keeping an eye out for large retailers.


Target is the big retailer to watch as 2021 approaches. After rumors circulated that console restockings were planned, it looks like these finally came to fruition in the last week of December. Twitter users shared screenshots of their successful X Series orders, which were believed to be available for in-store pickup.

It’s unclear if this was the start of a new wave or a one-off thing, but it’s worth keeping an eye on the X-Series and S-Series pages for updates.


GameStop is especially worth watching for Xbox updates, as the stock tends to outlast retailers like Amazon. GameStop has sporadically added sets of consoles to the website, where gamers can grab a console with additional games or controllers. These deals tend to be an intimidating price tag, but that means they’re usually online a bit longer. If the upfront investment isn’t a problem, it’s worth going this route to save yourself a headache.

The retailer last had a package available on Dec. 19 around noon EST, which has remained in place for a bit. This package included NBA 2K 21, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, and an additional controller.

Microsoft Store

The best advice for finding an Xbox is to bet on the Microsoft Store. The retailer has put the new consoles in place quite consistently since their launch, so it’s one of your best plans to find one right now. The only catch is that Microsoft Store shipping can tend to be a bit slower than other retailers. It took me about three weeks to ship my own X Series.

Best buy

It’s been a hot minute since the Xbox Series X or Series S first appeared at Best Buy. The retailer last put them on sale on December 15, so they may need to be refreshed earlier than other retailers. The only catch is that they tend to sell out particularly quickly there.

While there are no official details, Best Buy typically announces restockings in advance to give buyers just a few hours’ notice. The last time around, the retailer even provided a slight window of time, saying the systems would be available after 9 a.m. EST, so it’s worth keeping an eye on its social channels for updates. day.


Walmart is one of the newer retailers to have new Xboxes in stock. The S-Series last appeared on its website on December 23 at around 12:45 p.m. EST. There wasn’t much warning when this happened, but the retailer usually gives notice before the consoles go up.

In general, Walmart is pretty consistent when it comes to restocking, so it’s a good retailer to watch out for if you don’t want to follow a whole bunch. Set up alerts on the X Series or S Series pages and keep your trigger finger ready.


Amazon can be a snap and you miss the experience when it comes to new systems from Microsoft. The X and S series seem to appear at random and go down just as quickly. The last restock appears to have happened on December 17 at around 11:30 a.m. EST, two days after a larger restock that hit most retailers on December 15. days later to see if he repeats the same pattern.


Newegg has been a great way to find an Xbox since its launch. Like GameStop, the retailer tends to have larger bundles that include bundled games and extras. Newegg’s last refresh was on December 21, a bit later than the mid-month wave, so it’s worth setting up alerts on the Xbox Series X and Series S pages to make sure you don’t miss a less competitive scramble on a less popular site. retailer.

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