WandaVision Agatha All Along Song: Breaking the Fourth Wall


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Who me?
Photo: Disney

If you haven’t seen the last episode of WandaVision however, you may want to click. Damn, even if you have seen, you might want to be careful. If you don’t, a certain song is about to stick in your head for the rest of the day.

Illustration from the article titled iWandaVision / is Catchy New Agatha Song Is a Vintage Bop [Updated]

The seventh episode of WandaVision, “Breaking the Fourth Wall”, ended with one of the most revolutionary series, but also semi-expected, reveals to this day: Agnès, the eccentric neighbor played by Kathryn Hahn, controlled things all the time. And, in fact, she’s not “Agnes,” she’s Agatha Harkness, a Marvel comic book character who was once Wanda’s mentor.

As part of this program, the news was carried by the Munsters– an inspired theme song “It was Agatha All Along,” written by Kristen Andersen-Lopez and Robert Lopez. It’s now live on its own and, as the kids say … it’s a bop.

The Lopez wrote all the jingles for WandaVision and, with this one, felt even freer than the others, which was intimidating. “We decided since we could hit any decade with this,” Kristen Anderson-Lopez said Marvel.com. “WWe kind of had to take a few swings at what would Agatha’s music be? But we finally decided that the most fun was going right in with all the [monsters]. “

Also, if you didn’t know, tHat’s Hahn herself sings most of the song

“Kathryn is taking the lead on this one. She was amazing, ”said Robert Lopez. Kathryn is a star of musical theater. Kristen’s sister is also working with her on Central park, where she is a main character of the song. And we know, because of that, how amazing his voice is.

Registration with Hahn took half an hour but the Lopezs knew they had something special. “After that I was like, we have to work with her again. Because she was just a game [for anything]Anderson-Lopez said.

Exactly what Agatha’s finale (voluntary pun) is to control Wanda, Vision, the Hex, all of that, we’ll probably find out soon enough. And with any luck, he’ll be accompanied by more Lopez earworms.

For more speculation and return to Agatha, check this link as well as our episode recap below. WandaVision continues Friday on Disney + with its penultimate episode.

Update 02/22/2020 2:40 p.m. ET: This post has been updated with quotes from Lopez from Article on Marvel.com. Go there to learn more about all of their songs so far.

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