WandaVision: Can Scarlet Witch Get Pregnant and Have Children with Vision?


Young married couples can hardly get by without an older parent asking them when they are going to have children. And you can’t do WandaVision without comic book fans wondering if they are going to have kids, like in the comics.

But “Does the scarlet witch and the vision have children?” is a more complicated question than you might think, and the answers are “Yes”, “No they’re dead” and “Yes, they’re teenage superheroes now” simultaneously. Let’s unpack this.

[Ed. note: If you want to go into WandaVision without knowing anything about the show, skip this post. There are some comics details that might be considered spoilers, and spoilers for the series’ second episode.]

Courtesy of Marvel Studios

In the second episode of WandaVision ends with a surprise and a big tease: Wanda’s sudden pregnancy. But honestly, it’s no stranger than Wanda’s or Vision’s powers – or that they seem to be trapped in a world that stutters every day through a new decade of sitcom history.

In the comics, Wanda and the Vision have children. It is well known, you might say. And while we can’t say if it will turn out like this on the show, here is the comic book background that the creators of WandaVision could draw from.

Billy and Tommy’s excellent adventure

Following on from the Marvel comics, Scarlet Witch and Vision have twins: Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd. Billy, who goes through Wiccan (or Asgardian, or Demiurge) inherited the reality warping magical powers of the Scarlet Witch. Tommy, who goes through Speed, took after Wanda’s own twin brother, Pietro / Quicksilver. He’s very fast, you see.

You might be wondering why Billy and Tommy have different last names and why neither of those names is Wanda. This is because they are actually the reincarnations of the dead twins of Scarlet Witch and Vision, unknowingly raised by two different groups of completely normal biological parents.

The Scarlet Witch and the Vision married in 1975 Avengers # 4, and in 1986 The Vision and the Scarlet Witch, the two had a pair of twins, Billy and Tommy. How does a robot create children? Well, you don’t have to worry about the biological logistics when your wife is a witch who can use her powers to transform magical energy into real living babies.

But the comics aren’t kind to couples who face tedious narrative hurdles like “who takes care of the kids while we fight the baddies” and “given the tenuous nature of time in super comics. hero, how old are these babies anyway? “In 1989 Avengers west coast # 52, the babies were revealed to be made of energy from hell, and Mephisto wanted it back. The Supreme Devil of the Marvel Comics defeated the babies of Wanda and Vision, and they were once again childless (and divorced, for reasons unrelated).

Wiccan and Speed, the reincarnated newborns of Scarlet Witch and Vision, on the cover of Young Avengers Presents # 3, Marvel Comics (2008).  They are both wearing tight suits.  Wiccan accessorizes with a headband and ragged red cape, while Speed ​​wears glasses with yellow lenses and her hair is completely white.

Wiccan (left) and Speed.
Image: Jim Cheung, John Dell, Justin Ponsor / Marvel Comics

In the 2000s, Billy and Tommy were reintroduced as teenage superheroes and drafted into the Young Avengers team. During a series of adventures, they discovered that Mephisto had not completely succeeded in reabsorbing the souls of baby Billy and Tommy. These souls had reincarnated, as the sons of completely normal humans Jeff and Rebecca Kaplan and Frank and Mary Shepherd, respectively.

Even though they had different moms and dads and grew up in completely different families, Billy and Tommy looked exactly alike and were twins. And the scarlet witch was their mother, and the Vision was their father.

Will WandaVision use a lot of it?

Probably not, and that’s fine. Maybe Wanda and Vision will have twin babies with superpowers. Maybe they will have twin babies which will turn out to be a big magic trick in the end. Maybe they’ll just have normal twin babies (although this outcome is so trivial that it seems like the least likely event).

All we can say at the moment is that Wanda definitely looks pregnant, and there are a lot of different comic book elements that the creators have. WandaVision could shoot to make this as weird as possible.


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