WarnerMedia responds to Ray Fisher tweets


WarnerMedia responded to Ray Fisher, who recently claimed tweets that the president of DC Films, Walter Hamada, tried to “delegitimize” the investigation into the faults Justice League together. “Do you remember that time Walter Hamada and @wbpictures tried to destroy a black man’s credibility and publicly delegitimize a very serious investigation, with lies in the press?” But hey, Black Superman, ”reads his tweet, referring to the recent announcement of Ta-Nehisi Coates Superman to restart. “Once again, false statements are being made about our leaders and our company about the recent Justice League investigation, ”said WarnerMedia Variety in response to Fisher’s tweets. “As we stated earlier, a thorough and thorough third-party investigation was conducted. Our leaders, including Walter Hamada, cooperated fully, no evidence was found of any interference, and Warner Bros. did not lie in the press. It’s time to stop saying the opposite and move forward productively. “

Misconduct investigator Katherine B. Forrest also released a statement. “I am disappointed by the continued public statements which suggest that Walter Hamada has in any way interfered with the Justice League investigation. He does not have. I have interviewed him at length on more than one occasion and interviewed him specifically about his very limited interaction with Mr. Fisher, ”said Forrest. “I found Mr. Hamada credible and open. I concluded that he had done nothing that hindered or interfered with the investigation. On the contrary, the information he provided was useful and advanced the investigation.

In response to statements from WarnerMedia and Forrest, Fisher tweeted, “As I said from the start: Walter Hamada ATTEMPTED to interfere with the JL investigation. He failed to do so because I didn’t allow him. The fact that the investigator makes a statement claiming that there was no interference is deliberately misleading and desperate. Fisher had previously spoken out against Hamada, tweeting last December, “Walter Hamada is the most dangerous type of facilitator” and vowing never to “participate in any production associated with him.” Following allegations of psychological abuse by Charisma Carpenter vs. Joss Whedon earlier this month, Fisher tweeted: “What makes Walter Hamada ‘the most dangerous type of facilitator’ is his willingness to blindly cover his colleagues. If he had succeeded in discouraging the Justice League investigation, we wouldn’t be here. ”He owes Charisma Carpenter and everyone else involved an apology.


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