Warren Buffett says Berkshire stays true to Apple


Berkshire Hathaway is keen on his significant stake in Apple, Warren Buffett said.

"We have not changed our [Apple] Buffett told CNBC's Becky Quick on Thursday, on the eve of the kick-off of Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders meeting in Omaha this weekend.

Apple's shares have grown more than 32% this year, particularly thanks to the report of the first-quarter results better than expected from the iPhone maker released this week.

"I'm happy with what they reported," Buffett said, noting that he never made investment decisions based on a single quarterly report. "What they talked about and reported is consistent with why we hold more than $ 50 billion from Apple."

Berkshire owned more than $ 40 billion from the tech giant at the end of last year, according to its annual letter of 2018. The conglomerate has reduced its stake in Apple by nearly 3 million shares in the United States. fourth quarter of 2018, but Buffett had then declared that the sale was not under his direction.

"Unless – and I have no reason to think that's true – but there is one guy who owns just over 1% of our holdings in the office and I do not see what he's doing all I have no reason to think bought or sold Apple, "added Buffett on Thursday.

"Oracle of Omaha" announced for the first time Berkshire's investment in Apple in February 2017, despite President Buffett's usual dislike for technology stocks. He told CNBC at the time that he obviously liked Apple and that "we buy them to keep them".

Buffett also told CNBC Thursday that Berkshire had bought shares in Amazon.

Tens of thousands of investors travel to Omaha for Saturday 's annual meeting of shareholders, to hear Buffett' s remarks about his succession plan, his investment strategy and the market prospects.


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