Warren calls to end the obstruction


Elizabeth Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren has already said that the elimination of the filibuster should be on the table, thus helping to lead a debate in the presidential race on the opportunity to maintain the institutional brake for the minority of the Senate. | Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Elizabeth Warren calls to end the legislative obstruction, the first presidential candidate to be explicitly pronounced in favor of the abolition of the threshold of 60 votes established by the Senate.

The Massachusetts Democrat is due to make this announcement Friday at the National Action Network, just two days after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Has invoked the unilateral "nuclear" option to reduce the debate time of the presidential candidates. Now Warren says it's time to "fight back".

History continues below

"I do not run as a presidential candidate to discuss real structural changes, I'm serious about my goal, and that means part of being aware of the reality of the US Senate," Warren said. "Then let me be as clear as possible, when the Democrats will have power, we should be bold and clear: we are done with two rules: one for the Republicans and one for the Democrats.

She added, "That means when the Democrats get the White House back to the White House, if Mitch McConnell tries to do what he did to President Obama and puts little partisanship at the heart of things. before we solve the huge problems our country faces, then we should get rid of the obstruction. "

Warren had previously said that the elimination of the filibuster should be on the table, thus helping to lead a debate in the presidential race on the desirability of maintaining the institutional brake for the minority of the Senate. But with Democrats like Warren discussing big ideas like the Green New Deal, medicare for all and new tax plans, it is becoming increasingly clear that a minority of GOP senators could stop them even if the Democrats swept the 2020 elections.

This is due to the fact that both parties have little chance of winning 60 seats in the elections next year. The groups at the head of progressive groups and Warren need to explain more realistically how they can achieve their goals, beyond the wishes of Senate Republicans. Historically, the Conservatives have used the filibuster to end cap-and-trade legislation and gun control, while the Liberals were blocking new legislation on abortion of Republicans as recently as the last Congress with systematic obstruction.

"For generations, the filibuster has been used as a tool to block progress in racial justice, and in recent years it has been used by the far right as a tool to block progress in all areas. ", Warren explains. "I served only one term in the Senate – but I saw what was happening – we all saw what they did to President Obama." I've seen Republicans abuse rules when they're no longer in power, then turn around and blow the rules when they're in power. "

The other presidential candidates were more cautious: detective Cory Booker (DN.J.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Min.) And Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Were kind enough to change buccaneers, although Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (DN.Y.) was open to this. But the fact that Warren decided to kill the buccaneer will reinforce the obscure rules of the Senate as a crucial point of debate in the coming months of primary school.


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