Warren wishes handcuffs for Trump, says Biden fake about abortion


Senator Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday evening at a public meeting of MSNBC that Joe Biden was wrong to support the ban on federal funding for abortion and that President Donald Trump "would be handcuffed" he was someone else.

The Democratic and Presidential Candidate of Massachusetts has relied on the former Vice President and Leader of the 2020 Program for his longstanding support for the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits funded health care programs by taxpayers like Medicaid to pay for abortions.

"Yes," Warren said when MSNBC's "All In" host Chris Hayes asked if Biden was wrong.

Biden's campaign told NBC News that he backed Hyde's decades-old amendment, which places him in the circle of Democrats and places him in the crosshairs of rivals and defense groups. abortion like Planned Parenthood and Emily's List.

"I lived in an America where abortions were illegal and I understand that: women still have abortions, now some have been lucky, while others have been really unlucky", said Warren.

"Wealthy women will always have access to abortion," she added. "Who will not want to be poor women, working women, women who can not afford to take three days off, will be very young women, women who have been raped, women who have been assaulted by someone from their own family ".

On another topic, Warren said he had read the full 448-page report of former special advocate Robert Muller and concluded that the impeachment was necessary, thus putting it at odds with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi , and other leaders in the House.

Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren appears in a city hall with Chris Hayes Fort Wayne, Indiana, June 5, 2019.Everything is with Chris Hayes

"I understand that it's politically difficult," Warren said. "But some things are more important than politics.This is important for our democracy – not now, but under the next president, and the next president, and the next president."

And referring to examples of potential obstruction to Trump's justice, detailed in the report, Warren said, "If he was another person in the United States, based on what is documented in this report he would be handcuffed. "

At City Hall, Warren used a commercial break to shake hands with voters around the scene and introduce himself.


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