Warzone’s next patch is going to nerf DMR


It won’t be long before the DMR’s reign of terror ends in Call Of Duty: Warzone. Raven Software announced on Twitter that the next weapon balance update is “coming soon” with the nerf hammer-hitting Empowered Rifle, alongside three other weapons that have been causing a bit too much pain lately: the Type 63 rifle, Mac -10 SMG and two Diamatti pistols.

Since all Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War pistols were folded into Warzone in December, it didn’t take players long to realize that the DMR Tactical Rifle was above the rest. I tried it myself, and my word is something. You’d think a semi-automatic weapon would be at a disadvantage, but no, pull the trigger pretty quickly and you’ll get someone out frighteningly quickly. And with little hindsight and great precision to boot, it’s no wonder gamers are flocking to the thing in droves.

Type 63 is basically the poorest counterpart to DMR; not as good, but still very strong. Then there is the Mac-10, a rectangle that shreds – it shreds at close range. Not to mention the Diamatti double pistols. These are burst handguns that require you to point vaguely in the direction of your opponent, quickly click your mouse, and bam, it’s a downward tango.

It’s worth noting that these balance changes are exclusive to Warzone, so these weapons will not be nerfed for Cold War multiplayer modes. A strong decision in my books, because they seem good to me in regular multiplayer and it would seem a bit difficult to distribute their statistics in all areas.

Over 30 weapons have been stuck in Warzone since the Cold War, so balance issues were almost inevitable as Cold War weapon stats differ from Warzone and Modern Warfare offerings. Honestly, I’m surprised more weapons haven’t been revealed to be totally broken, who knows what will dominate the meta next.

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