Washington debt stuffing | Fox News


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On the list: Washington's farce of debt – Bernie in full swing according to a poll – Major support for Trump's challenge in Iowa GOP – Proclamation of the dismissal of Pelosi: "It is not worth it" – " Go big or go home "

This is a remarkable period for America.

If our economy continues to grow, we will break this summer's record for the longest period of growth in our history – 10 years of uninterrupted economic expansion.

We are at full employment, with virtually all Americans wanting a job that can find it. And the workers earn more. In February, wage growth was the fastest in the last decade, with private sector workers earning an average of $ 27.66 per hour. The poverty rate has not been as low since the late 1990s.

We have been safer here and in our lives than we have for centuries. Crime rates have dropped over the last 25 years. Violent crime has decreased by almost half since 1993. Property crime rates have declined further.

We are also safe as a nation. The Pax Americana is certainly a long-term and strategic threat, but it is a remarkably peaceful moment in our recent history. Combat deaths, general deployments and terrorist attacks are at their lowest since 9/11.

So, answer this: if the federal government can not put its finances in such sublime circumstances, when do you think it will someday?

We have enough peace and prosperity to envy not only the whole world, but also our own ancestors. Yet our government continues to live dramatically beyond its means, borrowing about a quarter of the money it spends.

The White House today issued an expenditure plan for the next decade that provides for the addition of an additional $ 10.5 trillion to our $ 22 trillion federal debt. And the Administration's debt forecasts are extremely optimistic, as it is not a decade of uninterrupted growth, but a flourishing growth.

It is a lot of chutzpah that this White House even talks about a balanced budget, but it is quite far-fetched that government economists talk about doing it in 2034.

We just need another 14 years of peace and a thriving economy to stop spending more than we have. Oh yes, and we will totally find the political will to reduce national fees and expenditures along the way. Just not now.

Cool cool.

This administration should at least be credited with upholding the law requiring presidents to submit budgets, which the Obama administration has abandoned instead of producing politically damaging laughter like this.

Of course, it is the Congress that is responsible for keeping the books and spending priorities, and you will find an equally sober attitude in tax matters. As their party moves toward a confiscatory tax policy aimed at funding new spending programs of surprising magnitude, the time has not come for ordinary Democrats to be caught talking about restrictive measures.

Democrats in the House today denounced the Trump budget plan as too stingy, while Senate Republicans have mostly ignored the case. They know, as we all know now, that there will be no serious effort to process the shipment.

The Congress will simply wait until the end of September, when the spending legislation and the borrowing power in force will expire. Another stop. Another deficit inflated. Another year of fiscal drift.

All serious politicians and governments know what the consequences will be and there will be a time when heavy interest payments on our heavy debt will spell disaster, probably in the form of massive tax increases and possibly failure to pay. But they will mortgage the future of the next three generations because there is no political advantage to being a good steward.

When we are judged for our weaknesses in this era of political upheaval and realignment, we will see in mind that while we were obsessed with the artificial outrages of the moment, we squandered a unique opportunity to put our finances in order.

The next era of real crisis and recession – and it will surely come – will give us a hard lesson on the madness of our current political class.

The rule book: Crash, Boom, Bang
"The public debt of the Union would be another cause of conflict between states or separate confederations." – Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 7

Smithsonian: "The place where Julius Caesar Murdered by members of the Roman Senate, it is one of the most infamous sites in the history of the world. As a tourist site, however, it is infamous: the ruins of Largo di Torre Argentina, where dozens of stray cats are now called their home, are crumbling and are protected from the public. But that will change. Julia Buckley at Conde Nast Traveler indicates that the area will soon be undergoing renovations before it opens to the public in 2021. The mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, announced that the restoration was funded by the Bulgari fashion house, which would devote approximately $ 1.1 million to the project, funds being allocated for the cleaning and securing of the ruins, the construction of bridges on the site and to the installation of public toilets, TheLocal.it reports. Although the scene of Caesar's murder was immortalized by ancient historians and later William Shakespeareit was in fact covered by the expanding city of Rome and was lost to history until the 1920s. "

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Trump work performance
Average approval:
Average disapproval: 53.2%
Net score: -10.8 points
Change since a week ago: down 0.6 points
[[[[Average includes: Monmouth University: 44% approve – 52% disapprove; Quinnipiac University: 38% approve – 55% disapprove; Gallup: 43% approve – 54% unapproved; PCI: 41% approve – 53% disapprove; NBC / WSJ: 46% approve – 52% disapprove.]

Monmouth University: "Among the 23 potential and potential candidates announced, the former vice president Joe Biden currently enjoys the support of 28% of Democratic voters (similar to its 29% support in January), followed closely by[[[[Bernie] Sanders at 25% (against 16% in January). Support from other candidates remains largely unchanged from January, including California Sen. Kamala Harris (10%), Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (8%), former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke (6%), New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker (5%), and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar (3%). "

Big gains in Iowa too – Des Moines Register: "According to a new register of Monks / CNN / Mediacom Iowa, 27% of Democratic caucus voters are likely, 27% say [former Vice President Joe Biden] is their first choice for the president. This is down slightly from the 32% who said the same thing in December, but it surpasses the 19 other declared and potential candidates tested. Biden has a 2% advantage over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. … According to the survey, 25% of respondents said Sanders was their first choice as president – up 6 percentage points since December. At present, the contest in Iowa could be called a two-person race. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren ranks her opponent by 16 percentage points. Support rose slightly for Warren and California Senator Kamala Harris, who is fourth. Warren is now at 9%, up from 8% previously, and Harris at 7% versus 5%. "

S & rsquo; in the indignation of voters – WaPo: "Three years ago, Sanders beat Clinton by 22 points in the Granite State. Eleven months is an eternity in politics, especially in the frantic days of Trump. Many things can and will change from now until next February. At age 77, he enjoys a high name recognition, but he can not rely on his supporters to stay loyal while cooler faces parade into town. Bernie's confrontation with people who did not support him in 2016, however, suggests that he has a real opportunity to broaden his appeal and credibly compete for the nomination, despite persistent resistance from part of the party. … What benefits Sanders at the moment is how many Liberal activists – emboldened by the mid-term success of the party and the low approval rate of the president – feel that none of their candidates could beat Trump next year. "

Stacey Abrams gives a confused answer for 2020 – Politico: "Democrat Stacey Abrams … Refers to a quote from her book in which she says she has kept a spreadsheet to document her goals. "In the spreadsheet with all the work I wanted to do, 2028 would be as soon as I would be ready to run for the presidency because I would have done the job that I would consider necessary to be effective in this job," said Abrams. After the interview, Abrams insisted in a tweet that the comment did not mean that she was excluded from the presidential candidacy next year. "In #LeadFromTheOutside, I explore how to be a volunteer in projects, but flexible enough to adapt. Twenty years ago, I did not think I would be ready to run for POTUS until 2028. But life comes to you quickly, "tweeted Abrams. "2020 is definitely on the table …"

Dems: Hello, Wisconsin – "Democrats chose Monday in Milwaukee to host their 2020 national convention on Monday, setting up the party's flag bearer for 2020 who will accept the presidential nomination at the heart of the old industrial belt that has delivered the country. Donald Trump to the White House. President of the National Democratic Committee Tom Perez chose Milwaukee rather than Houston and Miami after longer deliberations than party leaders or leaders of the three finalist cities had predicted. The convention is scheduled for July 13-16, 2020. This will be the first time in more than a century that Democrats will be in a midwestern town other than Chicago to nominate their presidential candidate. Instead, the political spotlight will shine for a week on a metropolitan area of ​​about 1.6 million people. Formerly dubbed "The Machine Workshop of the World", the famous working-class city is also known for its long history of love with beer and the birthplace of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. "

Gillibrand angry at handling a harassment complaint at the office – Politico: "Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), One of the most fervent defenders of the #MeToo movement, who made the fight against sexual misconduct a central part of her presidential campaign … [During the summer], a Gillibrand assistant over 20 years old resigned to protest the treatment of her sexual harassment complaint by Gillibrand's office and blamed the senator for not meeting her own public standards. … Less than three weeks after reporting the alleged harassment and subsequently asserted that the man had retaliated against her for doing so, the woman told the chief of staff Jess Fassler that she resigned because of the processing of the file by the office. … "I trusted the statement you made and you relied on it:" You must draw a line in the sand and say that none of this is OK "Your office has chosen to go against your public belief that women should not accept sexual harassment in any form whatsoever and presented my experience as a misinterpretation instead of what it is. she was really: harassment and finally, intimidation, "said the woman. wrote."

Castro: Bernie loves big checks for everything but repairs – Politico: "Democratic candidate for the presidency Julián Castro is skeptical about how the candidate Bernie Sanders responded to the proposed reparations for the descendants of slaves. The former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Mayor of San Antonio has partnered with several of his fellow Democrats in 2020 to seek redress for the descendants of the slaves – who he is. It is tax credits, subsidized tuition fees or anything else. … And so, if the problem is to compensate for the descendants of slaves, I do not think the argument about writing a big check should be the argument that you advance, if you put forward an argument that a big check should be written for a whole bunch of other things, "Castro said. "So, if, under the Constitution, we compensate people for their property, why do not you compensate people who are actually property?"

Republicans are trying to scramble Beto in Iowa – Politico: "Prominent conservative group launches into the Democratic primary with an assaulting TV commercial Beto O'Rourke – a move that comes as Republicans consider a wider campaign to interfere in the race against the party opposing President Donald Trump. The Anti-Tax Club for Growth is set to begin broadcasting a two-minute ad in Iowa this week to curb Liberal support for O'Rourke, who is expected to compete in the all-day race. The place portrays the former Texas Congressman as a politician dripping with "white male privilege," which does not deserve the comparisons he calls. Barack Obama. … The offensive is the GOP's first concerted effort to wreak havoc on the Democratic race. It comes when the oldest Republicans began to debate how the party should seek to influence the Democratic primary. "

Des Moines Register: "Most registered Republicans think that President Donald Trump is doing a good job, but they are divided as to whether another GOP candidate should challenge him for the nomination of their party in 2020," reveals new poll Iowa Poll. Iowa Poll, sponsored by the Des Moines Register, CNN and Mediacom, also revealed that 90% of registered Republicans wanted Trump to lead a positive re-election campaign focused on the good things he has done for the country. … Eighty-one percent approve of the work that he does as president. This is the same level of approval as in an Iowa poll of December 2018. Only 12% of Iowa Republicans disapprove of the work that he does and 7% are not sure. … The new poll Iowa Poll indicates that Republicans enrolled in this state are divided in hopes of being able to rely on a challenger: 40% hope that there will be one and 41% hope that it will not happen again. there will not be any. 19% are uncertain. "

Trump's campaign is a monster – WaPo: "President Trump and his advisers are launching a massive campaign operation in 2020 combining his 2016 gross populist message with massive data collection and a campaign out of the vote to thwart any previous presidential reelection efforts … The strategy However, he relies on a relatively risky and relatively narrow victory path, focused on the demonization of Trump's future opponent and on the participation rate among his most ardent followers in Florida, Pennsylvania and the United States. Midwest – the same areas that have earned him the White House but has declined since his election. Some councilors are particularly concerned about the president's persistent unpopularity among female and suburban voters and fear that it will be difficult to replicate the 2016 result without the former Democratic candidate. Hillary Clinton like a leaf. "

Fox News: "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Revealed that she opposed the dismissal of President Donald Trump in the absence of "convincing, overwhelming and bipartisan evidence." I am not for dismissal, Pelosi told The Washington Post in an interview published Monday. . "The impeachment is so divisive for the country that unless there is something more convincing, crushing and bipartisan, I do not think we should go that route because it divides the country. it's just not worth it. "The president's remarks contradicted the sentiments expressed by some first-year members of her caucus, including the representative. Rashida Tlaib from Michigan, who promised the militant Democrats that she would help "remove the mother-mother", a few hours after her swearing in last January.

House Dems requests a report on Mueller – Appeal: "Democrats in the House intend to send a message this week that the full report of the Special Council Robert S. Mueller III should be sent to Capitol Hill and released. Thus, for the second week in a row, a non-binding resolution will be among the billboards of the House. The Rules Committee is scheduled to meet on Monday night on the concurrent resolution presented by the Speaker of the Judiciary. Jerrold Nadler of New York, with the support of other Democratic presidents. The Nadler Resolution "requests the publication of any special advocate's report that Mueller provides to the Attorney General, except to the extent that the disclosure of any part of it is expressly prohibited by law." Unlike the former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, William P. Barr, his replacement, is not challenged by the probe Mueller … The resolution would also express the feeling of the Congress that the entire report should be forwarded to members of Congress. "

The hopes of Dem 2020 sweat the moment Mueller – New York Magazine: "At present, you should not be surprised to learn that Robert Mueller has almost never participated in the 2020 campaign. … In recent months, many campaign teams have sat down to discuss what they should do or say exactly when the report falls, but each has also come up against a seemingly insurmountable problem: very little tells him what it contains. and no lightened and overworked campaign staff can realistically establish useful roadmaps for as many different scenarios. … The result is a partial paralysis for some campaigns: several candidate advisers announced that they were holding back from scheduling important speeches, current affairs announcements or public meetings on television until Mueller's initial dust finally subsided, fearing that their news would be broadcast. completely overwhelmed if they inadvertently plan something for the day when the relationship is finally deposited or revealed. "

"At a recent round of business executives, and long after the official presentation Tim Cook Apple, I quickly called Tim + Apple Tim / Apple as an easy way to save time and time. "- President Trump said in a tweet Monday morning. Tim Cook found humor in the situation, changing his Twitter name to Tim Apple, with the Apple logo.

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UPI: "A New Jersey man throws a stream of calls and texting after his sons have pulled out a billboard asking people to send him their birthday wishes. Chris Ferry stated that he woke up early one morning at his home in Linwood to listen to calls from supporters on his birthday who had told him he saw a billboard with his photo and phone number on it. , with a message asking viewers to wish him a happy birthday. Ferry, who turns 62 on March 16, said he knew his sons were behind the farce even before they knew they had signed the billboard. … He said some people just wanted to wish him a brief greeting for his birthday, but that others had engaged him in a conversation. … Ferry's son, Christopher Ferry Jr., said that he and his brother, both of whom live in Florida, wanted to make their father's birthday special. "We wanted it to be a birthday he can remember," he said. "Yes, there was a little piece of me that was scared at first, putting his phone number there, but we thought," go big or go home ""

"… I offer the Krauthammer conjecture: in sport, the pleasure of winning is less painful than losing. Regardless of Bentham's pleasure / pain calculation, the sum is less than zero. A net negative of suffering. What makes you wonder why anyone plays at all. "- Charles Krauthammer (1950-2018) writing in the Washington Post on June 29, 2017.

Chris Stirewalt is the political editor of Fox News. Brianna McClelland contributed to this report. Want a report at halftime FOX News in your inbox everyday? Register here.


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