Washington Post adds lengthy correction to signal Trump’s call with Georgia election investigator


The Washington Post added a lengthy correction to an explosive report in early January which then read:President TrumpDonald Trump The Hill’s Morning Report – Brought to you by Facebook – Biden hits the road, all COVID-19 relief law Oregon senator takes center stage in Democratic filibuster Juan Williams debate: Trump’s jealous rants don’t can’t hide their failures MORE told Georgia’s top election investigator on a phone call to “find the fraud” and that they would be “a national hero” if they did.

“Two months after the publication of this article, the Georgian Secretary of State released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s senior election investigator. The recording revealed that The Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source, ”the Post said Thursday in a 129-word correction released at the top of the story.

Trump did not tell the investigator to ‘find the fraud’ or say she would be ‘a national hero’ if she did. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to review the ballots. vote in Fulton County, Georgia, saying she would find ‘dishonesty’ there. He also told her that she had “the most important job in the country at the moment.”

The title and text of the Post’s report were corrected to remove quotes mistakenly attributed to Trump, the newspaper said.

The correction comes days after the Wall Street Journal obtained the audio of the December call between Trump and the investigator.

“When the correct answer comes out, you will be congratulated,” Trump told Frances Watson, the chief investigator in the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, the Journal reported Thursday.

Watson reportedly replied, “I can assure you that our team and the [Georgia Bureau of Investigation], that we are only interested in the truth and finding the information based on the facts.

The Post’s original report rocked politics just days before Georgia’s Jan.5 runoff election, a contest lost by both Republican senators, giving Democrats a majority in the upper chamber.

The Post’s original report received extensive coverage by numerous media outlets, including The Hill, which also updated its report on Trump’s appeal.

During his last few weeks in office, Trump has repeatedly claimed that he only lost the election due to widespread voter fraud and cited places like Fulton County, Georgia, as examples of “rigged” elections against him.

Georgia’s election officials dismissed the claims after conducting several investigations and audits into the state’s November election results.


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