Watch Dogs Legion Bloodline DLC: review


Aiden standing in the rain with a pistol, Wrench behind him in his mask.

Picture: Ubisoft

Watch Dogs Legion The first DLC brings back old characters on a shorter and better adventure than the main game.

I was a big fan of Watch dogs 2 and even a little Watch dogs 1 defender. But I was so disappointed with Legion, the third game in the franchise released last year. He looked cool and had cool ideas, letting you recruit any NPC you saw walking down the street. But he was plagued by bugs and even when it worked, it often felt empty and soulless, with a narrative that left me bored most of the time. So I wasn’t expecting much from his first DLC, Line, released earlier this month. But surprisingly, this new expansion fixes a lot of what Legion got it wrong and ends up being a good, much better game as a result.

Watch Dogs Legion: Bloodline, awkward name and all, takes place on the same map of London as the main game. However, the DLC takes place shortly before the main events found in Legion. You probably don’t care, but I just wanted to mention it. This time, unlike Legion, you take on the role of unique character, Aiden Pitrce. He was the main character seen in the original Watch Dogs. He’s older and sort of crankier than before. He accepts a job in London because his nephew, Jackson, lives in the city and he can’t seem to get over what happened to Jackson’s sister. (Spoilers: someone who tried to kill Aiden ended up kill the little girl, leaving Aiden a sad, broken man who shoots a lot of people in Chicago.)

Because Line give up all Recruiting NPCs found in the main game, the story of the DLC is actually interesting enough to care. It’s not amazing or anything, but it’s crazy how much more engaged I played Line simply because the characters recognized things and grew and changed over the course of the campaign.

Before, because you could play any mission with any number of recruited people, Guard Dog Legion had to write all the dialogue and the whole story very loosely. The characters couldn’t say things like “Wow you remember the time I did this thing with you and you got mad and then I did this other thing and made you happy again. ? Because there was no guarantee that the character you were currently playing as it had been before that. As a result, there were no funny radio jokes or character arcs in Legion, unless you count the annoying robot that talks to you all the time. (My God, I’m not counting that asshole.)

But in Line, the game and its authors can focus on Aiden, who he is and how he has changed and continues to grow. Aiden still isn’t much of a character, mostly an angry dude in a trench coat, but he’s better than before. And luckily, Aiden is not alone in London. Key Watch dogs 2 plays a big role in this new DLC and it’s awesome. The path Line balancing Wrench’s boring traits with his emotional moments is solid stuff and way better than any generic conversation my NPCs have Legion never had.

Line Also brings back more classic side missions, which slowly fit into their own storylines that often have satisfying endings. These missions often involve hacking and combat, which is good because Aiden is a very powerful character in Line, capable of even shutting down and massively hacking all electronic devices around it with the push of a button. (Recalling how you could shut down all of Chicago by Watch dogs.)

Key talking to Aiden in his hiding place in Watch Dogs Bloodline.

Screenshot: Ubisoft

And, not to sound like a broken record, but being able to find out who is actually doing these side quests allows the writers to create more enjoyable moments through dialogue. Aiden is a little cranky, team him up with a fun young rebel. Again, nothing groundbreaking here, but it’s such an improvement over Legion that I had After disappointed with this game as i finished the seven hours or so Line countryside.

Hope we get another one Watch dogs game, because this DLC proves that the franchise has so much more life and that Legion, while an impressive experience, was a mistake Ubisoft seems to want to acknowledge. If you are a fan of the previous games and want to know what happened to the characters in those previous titles, Line is also good fan service too.

And you hardly need to talk to a boring British robot over the radio. That alone is perhaps the best part of Line.



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