WATCH: Gillette Announcement Shows Father Teaching Transgender Child How To Shave


If you thought Gillette was reaching its peak with his "toxic masculinity" ad, think again. The razor company surpassed Thursday by launching an advertisement starring a father teaching his transgender female to male boy how to shave his face for the first time.

In an article on Facebook, Gillette published an ad titled "Samson Bonkeabantu Brown's First Shave, Samson Story" featuring trans activist Samson Bonkeabantu Brown, shaving for the first time while his father was watching and giving advice.

"Every time, wherever, at any time, your first shave is special," says the video.

"As I grew up, I was always trying to figure out what kind of man I wanted to become and I'm still trying to figure out what kind of man I want to become," says Brown in the video.

As the activist begins to shave, Brown's father says, "Do not be scared. Shave, that is to be confident. You do it very well. "

"It's not just me who is in transition. Everyone around me is in transition, "says Brown.

The advertisement ends with a close-up of Brown smiling, with the text superimposed reading the text "The best one a man can get".

"I shot this advertisement for Gillette and I wanted to include my father, who was one of my most ardent supporters throughout my transition, encouraging me to trust myself and to live authentically as my best self, "Brown said on Facebook. "With Gillette's help, I was able to share with my father an important step in every man's life."

"I am confident that this announcement will encourage many of my trans brothers and sisters and give them the conviction that our existence in this world can be filled with the love and support we deserve," wrote the activist. . "Be good to yourself, love yourself, and know that when you greet the world with love, it can and will love you back, often in places where you least expect it."

"We were expecting a negative reaction from this video, but we are delighted with the extremely positive feedback we have received from both consumers and organizations," Gillette said in a statement from PEOPLE magazine. "As a brand dedicated to helping men look at each other, feel and do their best, it's important for us to be inclusive in our portrayal of masculinity. This is especially true for Samson and other members of the trans community, which is why we created "First Shave". "

While Gillette's controversial advertising of "toxic masculinity" has garnered praise from some of the far-left parties, the company has also been confronted with a series of violent reactions by consumers. For example, a campaign to boycott "anti-masculinity" razors was developed online in January, as reported previously by The Daily Wire, and the video recorded an impressive 98,000 reactions "of dislike." On YouTube, far surpassing "similar" reactions.

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire carefully dissected advertising issues in January – including Gillette's male stereotypes, which, according to Walsh, would never fly if it had been done for women:

"Advertising says that" some men "are doing the right thing.Can you imagine the reaction of an ad that talks about women in these terms? Imagine an advertisement for Dove body scrub showing stereotypical women Negative things like gossiping, harassing and shopping, and then the narrator comes in: "Of course, some women are doing the right thing." Feminists would go on the street assaulting Dove's head office and putting the marketing manager to death with loofahs dipped in cement. "

"But no such announcement would ever exist or could ever exist, women are neither read nor criticized in this way, this kind of treatment is reserved for men, and men are tired of it. We are terrible, we are horrible, we have ruined the world, okay, we get it.Thank you, now close the door and sell your 14 blade razors and let us quiet. "



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