Watch Gwyneth Paltrow forget that she was in Spider-Man: Homecoming


Gwyneth Paltrow in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Also a good impression of Gwyneth Paltrow realizing that she was in Spider-Man: Homecoming years after the fact.
Image: Sony Pictures / Marvel Studios

You know how it goes, between shilling days of scientifically dubious ways of life for women and filming cameos for the Marvel movie after the Marvel movie. They are all vague to the point that you have no idea of ​​the destination.

This is where Gwyneth Paltrow found herself during the first episode of Jon Favreau's new culinary series for Netflix, The chef's show. While Paltrow cleverly peels citrus, Favreau reveals that The chef's show actually started to take shape while they were both filming scenes of Spider-Man: HomecomingFinale Tony Stark at the press conference Pepper.

Little problem for Favreau though: Paltrow does it do not remember to be in Spider-Man: Homecoming at all.

It's hilarious and perfectly fair, especially since Paltrow's role as Pepper Potts has not evolved into particularly important appearances in Marvel films, but rather in occasional appearances where she is sometimes frowned upon when Tony Stark does anything. thing. Iron Man costume to hit things. Moreover, she worked with similar groups in each of them and it is probably difficult to remember which one Avengers movie, which was for Spider Man, or hell, maybe even who Captain America movie she was supposed to be at one point!

It's very cute and very relatable – especially his initial idea that Favreau must be mistaken. Who among us do not have forgot we were in a Spider-Man movie, frankly?

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