WATCH: Lane Kiffin throws the clipboard into the air with excitement during long Ole Miss touchdown pass



Lane Kiffin is a lot. He’s brilliant – he can call for a room or two. He’s endearing – he wears his emotions on his sleeve during games. Most importantly, however, it is never, ever boring. When you put all of those things together you get this: Kiffin throwing his clipboard in the air as wide receiver Elijah Moore shot a wide open pass for a 91 yard touchdown in Ole Miss’s game against Carolina South Saturday.

Everything in this room was perfect. It was a perfect run from Moore and a perfect time to call him from Kiffin to come up 45-42 early in the fourth quarter. Find out how wide open Moore is, then watch Kiffin toss his clipboard in the air as he runs to the sidelines in sheer glee.

Kiffin is known for his midterm touchdown celebrations. He is often seen raising his hands for a touchdown before a score – sometimes before the ball is even thrown. He’s great at identifying mismatches and hammering them out over and over again when he gets the looks he wants. This touchdown celebration is a complete stopwatch, and somewhere in space that clipboard is still orbiting our planet like a satellite.


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