Watch live: Biden to unveil national COVID strategy with list of executive orders


Washington – President Joe Biden signs 10 executive orders Thursday as part of his combat strategy COVID-19[feminine, qui a coûté la vie à 400 000 Américains.

Lors d’une conférence téléphonique avec des journalistes, le coordinateur de la réponse COVID de M. Biden, Jeffrey Zients, et les membres de l’équipe d’intervention contre le coronavirus de la Maison Blanche ont présenté le plan de l’administration, qui vise à étendre considérablement les tests et la disponibilité des vaccins, rouvrir la majorité des écoles dans les 100 prochains jours, et administrer 100 millions de doses de vaccin d’ici la fin avril. Les deux vaccins autorisés nécessitent deux injections pour être efficaces. Le vaccin Pfizer-BioNtech nécessite un rappel trois semaines après la dose initiale. Les patients recevant le vaccin Moderna ont besoin d’une deuxième dose après quatre semaines.

Comment regarder Biden signer des ordres exécutifs sur COVID-19 aujourd’hui

Mais les responsables de la Maison Blanche reconnaissent qu’une grande partie de leur plan sera impossible si le Congrès n’adopte pas presque l’administration Proposition de 2 trillions de dollars de coronavirus. Les conseillers de la Maison Blanche ont déclaré que M. Biden utiliserait la loi sur la production de défense (DPA) pour accélérer la production de vaccins et d’EPI et réduire les embouteillages dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement. La stratégie nationale appelle à «prioriser les fournitures susceptibles de provoquer des goulots d’étranglement» et à utiliser potentiellement le DPA pour produire «des flacons en verre, des bouchons et des seringues [and] needles “to make sure drugmakers have all the supplies they need to keep doses of vaccine to be packaged as they are produced. Officials said their goal was to consolidate stocks for immediate needs and future pandemics.

The administration will also set up a coronavirus testing board.

21-page summary of the national strategy for COVID-19 response and pandemic preparedness says the Biden administration aims to support a coordinated response while restoring “trust, accountability and common sense in our response to the pandemic ”, an indisputable dig into the management of the pandemic by the Trump administration.

The Trump administration has said it will vaccinate all Americans by late spring or early summer. It is not known whether the Biden administration thinks this goal is achievable.

“What we inherit [from the Trump administration] is much worse than we could have imagined, ”Zients said.

To increase vaccine availability, the administration plans to erect vaccination centers in stadiums and community centers and to mobilize federal staff to help administer the vaccines. This departs from the approach of the Trump administration, which has sent doses of the vaccine to states and communities and largely left it to them to determine the distribution.

During the Biden administration, doses of vaccine no longer be retained by the government, with the exception of a small strategic reserve. The Trump administration also ultimately adopted this policy even after Biden’s transition team announced it would release nearly all doses.

And on Wednesday, Mr. Biden signed an executive order imposing masks on federal property.

The Biden administration also sheds light on racial and geographic disparities in health care. One of the president’s executive orders will create a health equity task force, led by Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, to compile data on the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on minority communities.

President Trump’s surgeon general Jerome Adams has been asked to stay to advise President Biden’s COVID-19 response. Zients said the administration will hold regular press briefings with government doctors, including Anthony Fauci.

Executive orders

  1. Request agencies to address vaccine and PPE shortages using all authorities, including DPA
  2. Request OSHA to issue guidelines on worker safety;
  3. Set up a coronavirus testing board;
  4. Leading government scientists to identify new treatments for COVID-19;
  5. Request the HHS and CDC to provide clear guidance on reopening safe schools;
  6. Lead agencies to expand data collection and reporting capacity;
  7. Establish a health equity working group that focuses on racial / geographic disparities in health; Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith will be its president;
  8. Improve the collection, sharing and analysis of covid data, including parameters by race and ethnicity;
  9. Require the wearing of a mask on planes, trains and other forms of public transportation;
  10. Strengthen clinical care facilities and long-term care facilities.

Presidential memos

  1. Reimbursement of PPE to schools via FEMA relief fund;
  2. Order FEMA to increase state reimbursement for the National Guard from 75% to 100%.


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