WATCH Machine Gun Kelly and Pete Davidson drop off the SNL scene


Maybe you missed it, or turned your TV off after the final sketch, but last night Saturday Night Live exhibited the type of accident you normally see in football games or America’s Funniest House Videos reruns. The scene was perfectly set. The Studio 8H group was playing their “It’s the end of the show, good night people!” sleepy jazz. Everyone was hugging and chatting, masquerading, as the credits started rolling. Aidy Bryant was on the side, dressed as a giant cockroach for reasons that made sense in a 10-on-1 sketch on Ratatouille. And as Pete Davidson hugged machine gun guest Kelly, Kelly lifted Pete by the knees, and they both fell back from the stage. Machine Gun Kelly is six-four, so that’s a pretty big drop. Just watch Bowen Yang’s expression as you watch her descend. Look at his hands. Host John Krasinski jumps off the camera to help the sweet doofs up. But have they learned their lesson? Of course not. As the credits rolled on and Pete and Kelly were back on stage safely in the crowd, Pete then chose Kelly and threw it over his own shoulder like a bag of paws. Don’t let anyone tell you that comedy is not a contact sport.


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