WATCH Meryl Streep on Stephen Colbert Talk Action Movies


Watching Stephen Colbert administer his Proustian “Colbert Questionert” to Meryl Streep is like watching a beautiful lyrical fencing match between two, uh, fencers up to their… fencing abilities. Colbert launches questions meant to reveal his subject’s deepest and truest self, and Streep treats each answer as a performance. “Favorite sandwich?” Pastrami, and oh, how she lights up when she says it. “The scariest animal?” Allow Meryl Streep to learn about the Black Widow Spider’s nest, which “looks like coronavirus, but white.” She even has an immediate response to what she thinks will happen when we die, which is a combination of reuniting with loved ones and returning to Earth to haunt people in a pleasant way. But Meryl is comedic, theatrically silent when Colbert asks her what her favorite action movie is. Streep’s eyes widen, she tilts her head to the side, and her face wiggles from a thoughtful face to a delicate smile, saying, “There you are, you surprised me.” Colbert got Streep to admit by facial gestures alone that she wasn’t much of an action fan. Which is a shame, because we consider his work on stage Ricki and the Flash one of the best physical action performances there is.


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