WATCH OUT: Sam Darnold of the Jets explains what The Veon Bell misses during preparatory matches


Sam Darnold and The & # 39; Veon Bell & # 39; s Chemistry this season will be vital for the Jets' offensive to flourish. However, these two will not really be able to test this before the first week of the regular season.

L & # 39; s head coach Adam Gase has already indicated that Bell would not see pre-season shots, especially after what happened to Avery Williamson in the last preparatory fight against the Falcons. The Jets lost it for the season due to an ACL tear, a criticism that Gase blamed after stating that he wanted to take it in a series earlier.

So, Darnold and Bell must continue to repair their links during the rehearsals. But Darnold admitted after training on Wednesday that there are things that only action at stake can show Bell about Gase's offense.

"There are different things in the game," explained Darnold. "Maybe I feel something and he might follow a road in a certain way and it could be different in practice than in a game, so there is a difference there." But again, we do not we will not know this difference until we come out here, in practice, it has been great to communicate at any time and the Veon has only been an excellent team mate until now, so I'm sure it will translate into the field. "

However, Bell is eager to find his representatives in the matches because he wants to build this chemistry with Darnold as much as his quarterback.

"I hate watching Sam play because I want to be with him," said Bell. "I just want to be there because I know how special he is … watching him every week will keep him growing."

Darnold likes to have a little fun with Bell's willingness to play too.

"Yeah, he's pre-game with the pads, he's dancing and he says," Come on, guys! Come on! "I'm like, 'Bro, you do not even play,' said Darnold laughing.

Once these two people have finally touched the ground together, the possibilities are endless. Not only is Bell extremely elusive when he holds the ball in his hands, but Darnold is also very good with his feet. That means we could see fun play options and even punctual situations when the pocket collapses.

Bell always finds a way to open up, and Darnold knows he'll be hitting a lot this season.

"Obviously, the game situation with me is different than being able to escape a race or two and that he himself finds the area open," said Darnold. "We have not really had a lot of work in this area, and I know he's really talented, so I'm excited about that."

The suspense certainly kills Jets fans, but know that it also kills Bell. He's really ready to show the Jets and the rest of the league that he's back from his excitement at press conferences and even when he answered questions after training.

Another two weeks, The & # 39; Veon.


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