Watch Porsche unveil the Taycan, its first all-electric car, at 9:00 am ET


After four years of teasing its first 100% electric car, Porsche is finally on the verge of unveiling the Taycan. The company also launches into the world with three simultaneous events taking place around the world: one in Canada, one in Germany and one in China. The event starts at 9:00 am ET and you can watch it above.

Porsche has not hesitated to trust this car since its debut in 2015 as a concept car, the Mission E, (four days before cheating scandal about dieselgate emissions from Volkswagen parent company). We know that it should have a range of about 300 miles, deliver sensational performance and probably a six digit selling price. Porsche also showed the interior of the Taycan adorned with a screen.

So what the German builder is likely to focus on today is the situation as a whole. This will be the first time that the Taycan will be rid of any body prototype. Porsche will help clarify the expectations of affluent buyers of the car once it has been shipped. And we are likely to hear Porsche leaders trying to position the Taycan as the spearhead of Volkswagen's biggest push in electric vehicles, a phenomenon that surpasses the early efforts of sister company Audi, E-Tron.


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