Watch System of a Down’s new video for ‘Genocidal Humanoidz’


System of a Down premiered its new video for ‘Genocidal Humanoidz’ on Saturday following a charity live broadcast aimed at providing humanitarian aid to conflict-affected Armenians in the disputed area known as Haut- Karabakh.

A mix of live performance and animation, the visual features System of the Down playing their first new song in 15 years amidst moving images of war-torn townspeople banding together to fight the demons that have invaded. The video was produced by Shavo Odadjian of SOAD and Adam Mason of Deep Sky Animation.

Before Saturday’s live broadcast, System of a Down had already raised $ 600,000 in aid to the people of Artsakh, a group besieged by Azerbaijan until a December peace treaty. Money raised by System of a Down from the live broadcast will help provide prosthetics to soldiers who lost limbs as a result of the conflict and laser therapy for those burned by chemical weapons.

“I have been to Artsakh twice,” said leader Serj Tankian Rolling stone in November at the height of the battle. “It’s just a beautiful countryside, and it’s really sad to see all of this destroyed right now and people having to move. The people are just amazing there. These are the old Armenians. They have lived on these lands since 500 BC. They are very strong, beautiful and funny. They’re not afraid, man. They’ve seen this before, but it’s really, really fucked up.


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