Watch the Lyrid meteor shower illuminate the night sky this weekend


April showers bring May flowers? Maybe it may not be the showers that you imagine, but you have the idea. If you're looking for something to do during this long Easter weekend in addition to watching another episode of Game of Thrones, why not watch The Lyrid Meteor Shower? Like a clock, the Lyrid meteor shower is usually active from April 16 to 25 each year. But first, what is the meteor shower Lyrid?

The meteor shower of the Lyrids

Now, the Lyrid meteor shower is nothing new. In fact, the meteor shower has the honor of being among the oldest known meteor showers, with recordings of rain rising well 2500 years. The people of ancient China witnessed the annual light show, describing it as raindrops in the night sky 687 BC AD

But what is a meteor shower? For the uninitiated, a meteor shower is a common celestial event in which several meteors cross the night sky, sometimes thousands at a time, creating a beautiful rain of lights. Light trails are caused by debris entering the Earth's atmosphere at extremely high speeds on parallel paths.


Comet Thatcher is a source of Lyrid meteors. Every year around this time, the planet Earth crosses the orbital trajectory of the comet. However, it is interesting that no scientist has taken a picture of the comet as its orbit around the sun takes 415 years. The last time Comet Thatcher visited us was in 1861 and should not be back before 2276.

Nevertheless, this comet is at the origin of the meteor shower Lyrid. Small parts of the comet separate the celestial object and launch directly into the upper Earth's atmosphere. 177,000 km / h creating the light show, you will attend this weekend.

Where and how to see Lyrid meteor shower

The beauty of checking a meteor shower is that you do not need any special equipment or crazy scientific skills. In fact, all you need is the right location, clear skies and some kind of meteor map to keep you in the right direction.

Compared to other meteor showers, Lyrid is not as bulky, but the number of meteors varies from 10 to 20 per hour. You may be slightly at a disadvantage as the moon will still be almost full Sunday and Monday. However, stay away from light pollution as much as possible and find a place that offers you the widest view in the night sky.

The meteor shower of Lyrid peaks this week on Saturday and Sunday night. Try using this interactive map of the meteor shower sky to help you timing your show and looking at you with pleasure.


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