Watch this artist’s terrified reaction when a shark swims under him


A French artist screamed when he realized a shark was swimming under him in the Maldives, according to a Jam Press video shared by the New York Post on Friday.

People shouted at Thibault Garcia, the 30-year-old artist, as the shark swam closer to him, the video showed. Garcia continued to wade through the water despite the howls and staring in the direction of the shark. (RELATED: Surfer Attacked By Shark In Australia Manages To Swim To Shore, Walks 1000ft For Help)

Garcia howled when he realized the shark was swimming under him and went out of the water as the shark continued to swim, the video showed. Garcia was on vacation when the shark encounter took place.


A shark was seen swimming near a boat in Ocean City, Maryland, according to a June 8, 2020 video. Someone in the video said the shark appeared to be a great white.

The National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) advised people in South Africa on June 23 to be careful due to “a high number of sightings and close encounters of white sharks”, the organization tweeted. The NSRI warned people “Along the south coast of Cape Town, in particular around the coast of Plettenberg Bay and between Mossel Bay and Jeffreys Bay ‘in South Africa.

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