Watch Ubisoft unveil a new Tom Clancy game at 2 p.m. ET


Ubisoft does not pin all of its Tom Clancy gaming strategy on Rainbow Six Extraction. The company is unveiling a new Tom Clancy game at 2:00 p.m. EST, and you can watch the premiere here via the video below. The company hasn’t said much in advance beyond calling it a “wild” experience, but a brief clip (also below) already says a lot about what to expect.

For starters, it doesn’t seem to be The heart of the division. Instead, it would be a competitive team multiplayer shooter that appears to be set in The divisionattacks New York, with elimination streaks and an escort objective. It is not necessarily a question of grafting on existing hot games like Valuing, but we wouldn’t count on a completely original take either. It is the company that belatedly jumped on the bandwagon of the battle royale with Hyper-Scape, after all.

Ubisoft had suggested that several The division– related games were in preparation. In that regard, this mysterious title is just one part of a much larger planned wave. It’s just a question of whether these early projects will be popular enough to warrant the rest.

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