WBBM-Channel 2 boss absent after CBS malpractice investigation


An investigation into misconduct at CBS stations cost the general manager of WBBM-Channel 2 in Chicago his job.

According to Deadline, an email to the staff of Wendy McMahon, president of CBS and other divisions, said Derek Dalton had left as part of the investigation.

“After six months of an extremely in-depth and comprehensive review of our organization and culture, I am writing to inform you that the external leadership survey at our stations has been completed and, therefore, we will be looking for new CEOs. for our Los Angeles and Chicago resorts, ”McMahon wrote Thursday.

A search for new general managers at both stations has started, she said. Dalton had been running WBBM since 2018.

Deadline also quoted an email from CBS Entertainment Group Chief George Cheeks as saying the investigation, conducted by law firm Proskauer Rose, involved “allegations of misconduct on the part of Stations group executives.” and revealed “painful revelations of experiences we cannot tolerate today or in the future.”

The investigation was sparked by an article published in the Los Angeles Times in January, alleging racist and misogynistic behavior among CBS executives.

“While the investigation largely focused on past events and the problems revealed were more pronounced in some areas and at specific stations than others,” Cheeks wrote, “there are clear themes we need to address in the future: our diversity, equity and inclusion standards must be a top priority for leadership in all areas of our Resorts business; our corporate culture must improve in measurable ways; and, your confidence must be restored with your CBS leaders.


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