'We are clean house, or Democrats take those seats'


Steve King

Rep. Steve King has become a part of the Republican Party, and is one of the leading leaders. | Alex Wroblewski / Getty Images


Republicans are eager to see primary challenges to Rep. Steve King and other embattled lawmakers.


Party officials normally hate primary challenges and all the messy drama that comes with a family feud. But this cycle, Republicans see an opportunity to clean out the dregs of the GOP.

Candidates are lining up to the House's most embattled Republicans – lawmakers who have been indicted, who have made racist comments, who have watched whisper campaigns in their home states.

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While GOP leaders typically stay out of primary contests, these members are getting along or facing outright opposition from the party establishment. At least one member of the GOP leadership – retiring Rep. Paul Mitchell of Michigan – a decision to return to a conservative primary to conservative Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who was kicked off his committees for making this year.

King's comments "Reflective on the Republicans and, as a result, I will contribute to his primary opponent," Mitchell, the sophomore class representative, said in a statement.

Mitchell's stance underscores a broader feeling in the GOP conference, where many of the Republicans would be able to get along with some of the baggage issues emerge victorious in some of these primary races. Otherwise, the GOP will continue to take over the role of those with the lawmakers serving in office – or worse, the party in the general election.

"Said Liz Mair, a GOP strategist," You have a lot of people who have been concerned for many, some of these guys. "There is a sense that we clean House, or Democrats take those seats."

Freshman Rep. Steve Watkins of Kansas, who has recently faced rumors of resign scandal, became the latest Republican to draw a primary challenge this week. State Treasurer Jake LaTurner has decided to jump into the race after receiving public encouragement from Republican to form Gov. Jeff Colyer, a rare primary intervention that fueled buzz in GOP circles.

A pile of Republican candidates is also vying to take on King, who has continued to kick up controversy all year, as well as indicted Rep. Chris Collins of New York, who was arrested on insider trading charges in August 2018.

And last week, train Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) Duncan Hunter, who will be misusing $ 250,000 in campaign funds to finance a lavish lifestyle.

Outside groups are also getting involved, hoping to better position the party as they try to make their way back to power next year. The Conservative Club for Growth is actively interviewing primary candidates for the Collins and Hunter races and keeping an eye on the King's district as well.

"I've told Republican leaders," said David McIntosh, president of the Club for Growth, said in an interview. "There is a lot of tension. They do not want us to do that. "

But, he added, "We also recognize that we need to make sure the Republican majority is sustained."

King, who has been condemned by GOP in the GOP last year when he nearly lost to a Democratic challenger, who has a Republican stronghold in the heart of Trump country. Now, King is in the political fight of his life, as four Republican candidates – led by state Sen. Randy Feenstra – have a challenge against the embattled nine-term incumbent.

While the top GOP leaders did not formally play in primaries, they certainly did not do King any favors. Not only did they read in his interview with the New York Times, but Rep. Liz Cheney – the No. 3 Republican in the House – has called on King to resign.

"As I have said before, it's time for him to go. The people of Iowa's 4th Congressional District deserve better, "The Wyoming Republican tweeted last month, after King's latest instance of eyebrow-raising rhetoric.

King also was not allowed to fly aboard Air Force One this summer when Trump flew to Iowa for a state GOP event – another sign of King's pariah status in the party.

The mix of snubs, demands for his resignation and lost committee

As a longstanding policy, the National Republican Congressional Committee does not spend in primaries. But the House GOP campaign's arm did condemn the King last cycle for a separate set of inflammatory comments and pulled back support for him shortly before Election Day.

"If I was sitting there as NRCC chair, I would like to dump these guys, all three of them, in the trash," Mair said, referring to King, Collins and Hunter.

GOP is one of the most popular games for the GOP, and they were both indicted, tarnishing the party's "drain the swamp" message and sparking fears that they would once again have competitive. Both lawmakers, however, refused to step down and narrowly defeated their Democratic challengers.

Hunter has been accused by federal prosecutors of misusing campaign cash, including to pursue extramarital affairs with congressional aids and lobbyists. With Republican San Diego Councilor Carl DeMaio has already announced a primary bid. Meanwhile, Issa – who still has friends in the House GOP after serving there nearly 20 years – is also considering jumping into the race.

Rank-and-file members, like leadership, tend to stay out of business with their colleagues. But Issa's entry into the race could be complicated by the GOP's California delegation, who already saw their ranks dwindle after the last election.

"It would not be terribly surprising to see a few – I would not say to you – but a few members of the California delegation come out for Issa," said Republican strategist Doug Heye.

Collins, meanwhile, will go on trial in February for insider trading charges. His spokeswoman said he would "decide on re-election over the next few months," but argued the New York Republican "remains effective in meeting its constituents" and maintains a close relationship with the White House.

Local GOP Candidates Seeking to be successful Collins, warning Republican voters that the seat could flip if Collins stays on the ticket.

Like King, both Collins and Hunter have been assigned to their assignments, and they have been questioning their value in Congress.

"The only way this district is lost if Chris Collins is on the ballot," state Sen. Chris Jacobs (R-Buffalo), who declared his bid against Collins in May, told POLITICO.

A bitter battle is also brewing in Kansas, where Watkins is facing a primary challenge from LaTurner after being dogged by resignation rumors appearing in local media. Watkins has dismissed any suggestion that he would leave office, and his chief of staff has slammed the chatter as a "whispering campaign from political operatives in Kansas."

But concern is growing in Kansas GOP circles about Watkins' viability as a next year, according to multiple sources. Before narrowly winning his election in 2018, Watkins came under fire for the second time and expanded a private contracting company in the Middle East.

LaTurner said he did not have any conversations with House GOP leaders or anyone at the NRCC, but said he expected at some point in the future.

"LaTurner told POLITICO, accusing Watkins of poor coalition building and lackluster fundraising. "Congressman Watkins, without question, put this seat in jeopardy this cycle."

Watkins' camp is already firing back, in a preview of the intraparty feud to come.

"Jake LaTurner's entire political climb-climbing – and that climb ends in August," said Bryan Piligra, spokesman for Watkins.

Some strategists argue that tough primary fights are not entirely bad for the party. Tea winner can emerge battle-tested and better prepared to absorb problems from the Democratic Opponents.

But if the Republicans rip each other in a nasty primary, it could also make the name while straining relationships inside the party.

"Primaries pit families against each other. … you will have accusations of backstabbing and being a traitor, "said Heye. "And that's why they can become particularly negative and do so very quickly."

James Arkin and Anna Gronewold contributed to this report.


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