We can finally explain what you are actually doing in the grounding


Screen capture: Sony (Kojima Productions)

He finally did it. After years of talking about Grounding of deathHideo Kojima finally unveiled the value of her mission during a staged presentation at the Tokyo Game Show this week. It's as offbeat, meticulously detailed and intriguing as you would expect from Kojima, if not more.

To be released November 8 on PlayStation 4, Grounding of death follows Sam Bridges (Norman Reedus) as he travels coast-to-coast through the ruined American cities, creating new "links" that bring together divided human beings. He is accompanied by BB, or "Bridge Baby", a small fetus in an artificial uterus that allows him to see BT, or "Beached Things", supernatural monsters of other dimensions that plague the UCA.

The full video of the gameplay demonstration at the Tokyo Game Show.

Geoff Keighley needs a lot more, but it's all the background to get the most out of the presentation, which lasted more than 45 minutes. Sam is given a simple mission: delivering four Knot City aid packages to Port Knot City. The help packs contain four supplies considered crucial in this world: food, medicine, anti-BT weapons and "sperm and eggs".

Before going on a mission, you will have to choose your charge. This will include all the required help packages that you deliver, as well as everything you want to take with you during the trip: shoes, ropes, extra weapons, etc. The difference between Sam Bridges and most of the video game heroes is that if all their belongings disappear into a magical pocket, Sam is visibly burdened. Everything he wears is obviously attached to his character, which affects his weight and his mobility.

Where is Lydia when you need her?
Screen capture: Kotaku (Sony)

You can really choose where on Sam's body put all that. You can load everything on his back like a mule, but you can also put things in bags hanging from the backpack, attach them to his arms and legs or ask him to carry some pieces by hand. It will affect his speed, yes, but also his balance. Sam's center of gravity is indicated by a yellow circle below him when you move the objects. If you go around the world, if you make sharp turns left or right, it will stand aside if it is overloaded, and you will need to press the L2 and R2 buttons to bring back its weight so that he stays right.

You do not have to clumsily carry all this material at all times, though. If you are about to take part in a battle, you can drop off your belongings temporarily. You may also be able to acquire a floating aircraft carrier, a cross between an airport baggage cart and a hoverboard that will follow you with your big pile of shit. (If need be, you can even mount and assemble yourself.)

All this futuristic technology around us, but the only way for them to carry a small container of food three kilometers away, is to let Norman Reedus carry it by hand. On the way to Port Knot City! First, Sam traces his course: the game will calculate the direct route to his destination and show him all the topography. The player can then draw a personalized route, point by point, to avoid major risks.

Screen capture: Kotaku (Sony)

The first hurdle that Sam reaches in the video presentation is a river. Once again, the HUD is there to give important information, showing the strength of the current in different places. The blue is easy to cross, the yellow to walk with effort and the red will carry you and you will go down the river. Kojima enters it for demonstration purposes and shows how Sam is baffled but also loses a pack or two, which he has to pick up again.

Leaving the river, Sam pauses to catch his breath (with the Circle button) and also checks to see if his Bridge Baby is doing well (and reassure him if he is not). He then hammered an energy drink canteen of the brand Monster ™ and took the path of dust.

Sam is quick to find another package to add to his burden, a piece of lost musical equipment belonging to the character called Musician. Fortunately for us, the musician's house is just down a cliff and a small ravine. Sam throws the anchor into the ground, then descends the cliff. He crosses the ravine with his useful extendable ladder.

For Sale: Baby tank, never filled.
Screen capture: Kotaku (Sony)

Later in the demo, Kojima points out that, thanks to the asynchronous multiplayer aspects of the game, you may not even have to use your own scale, because other players can leave their equipment in the world for others to use. can use it. It shows that there is now a rope to climb and a ladder left by other players. You can "love" these elements. The "likes" of social media seem to be the currency of this world, just as they are in ours.

Sometimes other players will also drop useful items that you can find in the world and pick up. Pressing the "communication button" during the game, Sam will shout something like "Is there anyone?" If items that other players have dropped are nearby, they will flash to warn you. But apparently, you can not just pick up everything others have let down. The containers will be damaged when you find them and you have to use a consumable called "container repair spray" to repair them before they can harvest their resources.

There will also be many lockers scattered around the world, some left by other players, some controlled by enemies. These can have additional bonuses for you, and you can also use them to tidy up your own business privately if needed.

Attached to the land (1995)
Screen capture: Kotaku (Sony)

As a reward for the return of the musician's hi-fi equipment, you will add a new "component" to the network and connect the world more. More importantly, it gives you a harmonica, which you can play to calm the BB while sitting in the grass during a break. Grounding of death really want you to take that time off. There are even natural hot springs in the world where you and bottled Babbo can recharge your batteries. (Literally, this is called a "hot source of battery.")

This is not all walk slowly while holding a bunch of FedEx boxes full of sperm and singing for a baby. When Sam meets a group of enemies, things become very difficult. Metal Gear Solid Suddenly. Briefly giving up his precious cargo, Sam goes into stealth mode, sneaking around an enemy camp. He can use an object, also called Strand, to "bind human enemies from behind and ward off close attacks." This, according to the description, is a "non-lethal anti-personnel weapon". the weapons we see in the demo are specifically labeled as non-lethal.

The HUD even indicates which objects are carried by the enemies.
Screen capture: Kotaku (Sony)

Sam sneaks on and annoys an enemy before Kojima is allowed to take it, turning the enemy camp into a full battle scene. He now goes to the Bola Gun, which fires a Strand tied to two bullets to tie his enemies at bay. The viewfinder shows you the horizontal line that will follow the bola so you can aim accurately. Loading the weapon will increase the length of the strand and the range of the shot. You can also hit and hit your enemies, or even throw them away.

After hacking an enemy locker and finding an exoskeleton combination allowing Sam to move faster and jump higher, he abandons the battle, using this combination to jump over a ravine that he would normally have crossed through to using a scale as before.

As Sam approaches Port Knot City, the sky darkens and it begins to rain. Yes, it's a BT, a big scary monster. We are now in a boss battle. Sam can shoot the Bola Gun at the BT, but Kojima opts quickly for Grenade Hematic. If you know your Latin, you probably imagine the contents of this grenade, and you're right, it's blood. If you do not have a "blood bag" in your arsenal, he will use Sam's blood.

And yet when I to make and throw a bloody pomegranate, it's "illegal" and "get fired from Carl's Jr."
Screen capture: Kotaku (Sony)

Why does human blood kill BT? Who knows, although Grounding of death will surely explain all this in a 23 minutes cinematic in two months. If you run out of gear during the battle, you can ask the help of other players online, who can answer you by offering you more weapons. Winning the battle makes sure that Sam receives 100 "I like" from the BB. Of course.

Well, we finally have an idea of ​​how Grounding of death rooms. It looks good! Almost like a Breath of nature redesign of Kojima's signature concepts. I'm sure it'll make us all shame on our words and actions in November.


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