We can not get enough of Thor and Captain Marvel together


Thor and Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame Trailer

The best part of the new Avengers: End of the game the trailer was Thor trying to take the measure of Captain Marvel. The few seconds of footage marked at the end of the trailer was the only moment of lightness and, as these things are commonplace, it triggered frantic reactions on social networks, memes, fanarts and even a ship (lost).

Why the expedition of these two lost, do you say? Although it is understandable that some fans see the beautiful Carol Danvers and the beautiful Thor, two of the strongest Avengers, and decide that there is a romantic spark between them, they are mistaken.

Thor, god of lesbians, is much more likely to spot a potential date for her best friend Valkyrie and respond with an approving smile to Carol's vibrant queer energy.

Romance aside, many fans have loved the idea that Thor and Carol are friends, taking advantage of the common glow:

Let's be realistic, it's a great dream team:

And both already have a story.

(But just so we know very well about the delivery here.)

In the end, we know that this is true:

  • The Washington PostMargaret Sullivan on the horrific use of social media in attacks on mosques in New Zealand. (via WaPo)
  • Buzzfeed covers a viral tweet that highlights the absolute absurdity of the size of women's pants. If you do not know why women are always mad at the simple act of trying to buy pants, read this. (via Buzzfeed)
  • OMG. MARK.
  • There is a live "hybrid" action Tom and Jerry in the works and I hate that. Just let Tom already catch that damn mouse. (via Comicbookmovie)
  • How Captain Marvel modified the tesseract calendar of the MCU. (via Vox)

What did you see today at this fair on Friday?

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