"We can play or we can ask"


Bob Dylan
Bob probably did not even like this photo

While Bob Dylan did not start asking fans to put their phone in Yondr's covers during his shows like Misfits, Jack White and other artists showers for the photo, his shows being strictly no photo for some time. On Tuesday (4/16) in Vienna, Austria, members of the audience ignored this rule, which made it very difficult for Dylan to make a rare oral statement on the stage. As Rolling stone In the video below, Dylan stopped on his way through "Blowin 'in the Wind," approaching the microphone and extending his arms. He said something difficult to understand, which seemed to include the word "photography" and then saved, stumbling on a monitor in the process. He then went back to the microphone and said, "Take pictures or do not take pictures. We can either play or we can pose. D & # 39; agreement "?

After a break, Dylan and his group started to play "It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry," after which Dylan left the scene. His band concluded the show with an instrumental rendition of "Just Like Tom's Blues," as they did throughout the tour.

Earlier this month, Dylan announced that he would open a whiskey distillery and a music room in Nashville, Tennessee, in honor of the 50th anniversary of Nashville Skyline.


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