"We could not agree on an extension"


Rockets head coach Mike D'Antoni broke talks with the front office on Thursday and said he was "looking forward to the year and having a great season."

D'Antoni, 68, had hoped for a three-year extension and turned down a one-year, $ 5-million incentive offer from Houston.

Team owner Tim Fertitta and General Manager Daryl Morey also broke ties with three assistant coaches.

By Houston Chronicle:

"We did not end the extension talks," Fertitta said in a hastily released press release after talks broke with D'Antoni. "The agents' jobs are playing hardball. I have made Mike an excellent extension offer. It was one of the best basic basketball salaries, but the highest incentives were also there. Mike could win 4 million incentives. Business is business.

"I am a very incentive guy. If you play, I want you to do amazing. "

D'Antoni would not discuss the details of the Rockets offer if it was not an offer he had not accepted.

"We could not agree on an extension," D'Antoni said. "I still have my contract. I am looking forward to this year and having a great season. "

"We and Mike are all on the same page," said Fertitta. "I'm glad Mike is coming back this year. I'm sure after this year's season, because I think we're going to be successful, we're going to sit down and sign another deal for Mike. Mike has no reason to want to coach elsewhere. At this point, we are very happy with Mike. We spent three beautiful years with Mike. We look forward to Mike's presence for many years. "

Related report: Houston makes Chris Paul and other people available during trade negotiations


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