‘We need to do something now,’ mid Michigan hospital leaders tell community as coronavirus rises


SAGINAW, MI – As COVID-19-related hospitalizations continue to rise in central Michigan, health officials from Saginaw, Bay and Midland counties are urging their communities to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Covenant HealthCare, Ascension St. Mary’s, McLaren Bay Region and MidMichigan Health issued a joint press release and hosted a virtual press conference on Thursday, November 12, in an effort to get the word out to the public. All of these hospitals are now feeling the effects of a second outbreak of COVID-19 patients.

“The reason we’re meeting today is to make sure the community understands that we currently have the most inpatients. Each of our hospitals is experiencing a higher number of inpatients with COVID than we have ever seen, and that includes the peak in the spring, ”said Dr Matthew Deibel, emergency medical director at Covenant HealthCare in Saginaw. “Even though there is no lockdown at the moment, the number of hospital cases is worse than when we were locked out in the spring.”

Saginaw and Bay counties are now among Michigan’s 17 counties with an average positivity rate of 15% or more on coronavirus tests over the past seven days. Midland County now has a positivity rate of between 10% and 15%.

Deibel said hospitals in the region now have adequate resources, but are under strain.

“We need to do something now because we expect these numbers to increase,” he said. “At Covenant, we hit our spring peak about a week ago and right now we’re about 50% higher than that.”

As of Monday, Covenant had 111 COVID-19 patients, 22 COVID-19 patients in intensive care units and a bed occupancy rate of 78.8%, according to coronavirus data published on the State website of Michigan.

Dr Diane Postler-Slattery, CEO of MidMichigan Health, said the health system, which serves 23 counties, had 20 COVID-positive patients at its peak in the spring. Thursday morning, he was 81.

“And do we expect that in the next few weeks we will continue to see some numbers increase? We do. That’s why we are doing this advocacy today, ”Postler-Slattery said.

McLaren Bay Area Chief Medical Officer Dr Norman Chapin said the hospital not only had the most inpatients it has ever had, but the prevalence of COVID-19 in the community had “Took a heavy toll on our staff”. noting that nearly 100 staff are currently traveling with symptoms and more than 20 are confirmed positive.

Dr Stephanie Duggan, regional president of Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital, said 12% of patients currently hospitalized are COVID-positive. Like other hospitals in the area, St. Mary’s has taken special precautions, such as health exams and temperature checks at entrances, testing patients before scheduled procedures, and isolating COVID-19 patients in negative pressure units.

“While we have definitely found that our absolute number of COVID patients is higher than what we saw in the spring, we have learned a lot about this disease, we have learned a lot about how to treat it and so, at this point, we have very few ventilated patients, “she said.” We have also seen a significant decrease in the length of hospital stay.

Deibel said there was a common misconception that the virus is weaker now than it was in the spring. This is not the case.

“The virus itself is not weaker and we still have no cure. We still have to take it absolutely seriously, ”he said. “We’re safe, we have the supplies we need, on the path right now even though we need the community’s help to flatten the curve.”

In a joint statement released Thursday, the four hospitals in the region said:

“We are asking for the STRONG support of our local community and business owners to help slow the spread of the virus. Local hospitals are seeing a rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 hospital patients. Currently, we are in a favorable position with supplies, drugs, personal protective equipment, etc. However, the situation is constantly changing as cases increase across the country. We may face shortages again if the virus continues to spread.

“The health services in our region have done a wonderful job in compiling relevant local information. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has an abundance of educational materials on COVID-19, as does the CDC. Please share posts that have been shown to be effective in stopping the spread. We understand that after 7 months many get bored. However, on the front lines of health care, this pandemic is still very real. We must work together to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“Collectively, our local hospitals depend more than ever on our community. Please reduce the pressure on our health heroes and make sure we can take care of those who need it by doing the following:

• Avoid close contact and limit social gatherings

• Wash your hands frequently

• Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when you are around others.

• Cover coughs and sneezes

• Clean and disinfect surfaces often

• Monitor your health on a daily basis

• Avoid unnecessary contact outside your home

• Know how COVID-19 is spread

We value the ability to take care of our community and we come to our community at this time of need for their support. We implore your help. “

Michigan reported 6,008 new cases of coronavirus and 42 new deaths on Wednesday, November 11. The state’s seven-day average is now 5,313 new cases per day, up from an average of 3,507 last Tuesday. The seven-day average of deaths is 50 deaths per day, up from 19 a week ago.

For statewide data, visit MLive’s coronavirus data page, here. To find a testing site near you, check out the state’s online test finder, here, email [email protected], or call 888-535-6136 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.

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