“We should not meet with people who are not in our immediate home,” said the Los Angeles director of public health.


The Los Angeles County Director of Public Health on Saturday warned residents that they “should not reunite with anyone not from our immediate household” as cases of COVID-19 have increased and the holiday season ends. continues. New restrictions for the county, the strictest in the state of California, is expected to take effect on Monday, November 30 and last until December 20.

“I understand everyone’s frustration, but we are heading into the holiday season and more than anything we aspire to spend time with our friends and family,” said Barbara Ferrer, county public health director. from Los Angeles. “If we truly care about each other and care that these essential workers take risks every day to make sure we have the food, water, health care and services we need, we must not get together with people who are not in our immediate home, at least for the immediate future. “

The new restrictions ban most public and private gatherings, except for religious services and demonstrations, which are constitutionally protected rights. Restaurants, bars, brasseries and wineries remain closed for in-person meals and drinks. They may remain open only for take out and delivery services.

The five-day average number of new coronavirus cases in the county on Friday stood at 4751. The public health department said on Friday there were 24 new deaths and 4,544 new cases of COVID-19.

Recent data from the California Department of Health shows the state has reported more than 1,171,324 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. Los Angeles County has confirmed 387,793 positive cases, with 7,604 deaths. The county also has a seven-day positivity rate of 6.9%.

Dr. Daisy Dodd, an infectious disease specialist at Kaiser Permanente, told CBS Los Angeles that these types of precautions “would definitely slow down the transmission of the virus.”

She said the surge in new cases of COVID-19 has strained health care providers in coronavirus units, emergency rooms and doctor’s offices.

“This virus will not go away,” Dodd said. “We need to do what we need to do to protect ourselves and those around us.”

Zoe Christen Jones contributed to this report.


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